Brand New Image Of Henry Cavill as Superman In Zac Snyder’s New Reboot!

Oh dear, here it is! The very first image of Henry Cavill as Superman! While I’m not totally sold… I still don’t see why they are rebooting Superman… and then Spider Man and I’m sure there are plans on rebooting Batman once Christopher Nolan is finished with it… I mean… really… Don’t we know the origin story of all these guys already?

Anyway, the photo is pretty bad ass… It’s a tad too sleek in my humble opinion, but that’s Zac Snyder’s style so what can you do. I’m interested in seeing what this is going to amount to…

Thoughts guys?
henry cavill looks hot and sexy with bulging muscles in the new superman press still hot sexy rare promo photo rare

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  1. scott August 6, 2011