dick casablancas Archive

TV Heartbeat! Veronica Mars is Back! Red Band Society and Z Nation Premieres! More Walking Dead on the Way!

Alright! We’ve survived a couple of weeks of minimal notable shows and we are now rewarded with a few big premieres this week! Attention Marshmallows!!! We’re headed back to Neptune!! Veronica Mars and the gang are back together! Sort of! Ryan Hansen plays a desperate Ryan Hansen

Hit and Run Movie Premiere Report! With Veronica Mars… I Mean Kristen Bell! Bradley Cooper! Ryan Hanson! David Koechner! And Yes, Dax Shepard! Autographs! Photos and More!

God bless Billy Beer! You know if it wasn’t for a certain French Bulldog I would have check out the Hit and Run premiere myself. You see, I totally love Ms. Kristen Bell, but since she has been with Dax Shepard, let’s just say Ms. Kristen Bell