nick cannon Archive

Pop Culture Countdown! Swooning Michael Fassbender! Hayden Shops Off The Rack! 
Gabourey Sidibe Smackdown! And More!

Hola PCC friends! This week, we’ve got dancing, dresses and disses. Not a bad way to kick off your weekend, no? Happy Friday…and happy reading! Dance fever 
Benedict Cumberbatch, star of “Sherlock” and women’s dreams worldwide, was feeling the music alongside Michael Fassbender — also eye-pleasingly dapper

Pop Culture Countdown! Beyonce Only Wants Hand Carved Ice Cubes! Taylor Swift Has 18 Million Bucks In Cash Laying Around! Nicholas Hoult And Jennifer Lawrence Are Back On! Mariah Rents Disneyland! And More! Karalee Counts Em’ Down!

It’s time for Pop Culture Countdown! Yes, the weekly recap of all things cray cray in pop culture as told by our super saucalicous Ms. Karalee! This week there’s tons happening including Red Toilet Paper only for Beyonce! People like Kristen Stewart? Nicholas Hoult and Jennifer Lawrence