Meeting The Stunning Amber Heard And Horrible Bosses Star Jason Sudeikis! Autographs! Photos! And More Awesomeness!
Will, who you might remember from his awesome Photo Flop with Marky Mark some time ago headed out and about to meet the stunning Amber Heard and Horrible Bosses star Jason Sudeikis!
It was a pretty epic day and any day when you get out early is a bonus!
Check out his full recap below!
I took a 5-month break and I decided to get back to action and head over to a talk show and meet actress AMBER HEARD (Zombieland, Pineapple Express) who is promoting her upcoming movie “Paranoia” and actor JASON SUDEIKIS (SNL, Hall Pass, Horrible Bosses) who is promoting “We’re The Millers”.
I arrived around 4pm and there were about 15-20 people. A couple paps, a few collectors and a bunch of teenage girls who wanted to meet Amber Heard. I was talking to some pap and he was telling me that this place has become chaotic recently. I met fanboy family member JACK who does the “Cult Classic Corner” columns. He is real nice guy.
Doors open and Amber Heard is coming right over!

As she was going down the line, security or publicist says she can only sign one thing or do one photo.

She smiles and makes eye contact with me and I asked her for a photo op.

Jason Sudeikis comes over as well!

I was done by 6:00pm and it’s nice for them to come over on the way in and they were real nice. Overall, it was a good first day back. Until next time..
Good job Will! Amber seems like a fine lady!