American Reunion Premiere! With Alyson Hannigan! Jason Biggs! Seann William Scott! Chris Klein! Mena Suvari! Jennifer Coolidge! Autographs! And More!
Okay, I admit it… I love the American Pie movies… Love them… I know it’s a guilty pleasure but I’m found of those kids from Great Falls Michigan. And so when I heard that there was going to be the premiere in Los Angeles, I had to be there! Hello!
I had this original UK Quad mini poster for the first American Pie film and a mini poster for American Reunion as well. The thing is, this movie isn’t like… Chock full of stars, so I have no idea who would cross and what’s going to happen. Sigh… So, let’s wish for the best.
6:01 p.m. – I just arrived. CB was here and held me a spot. He took off to watch an advance screening of Hunger Games. I’m here with my mini poster!
6:11 p.m. – The carpet is pretty basic and it’s tented even though there’s not really a chance of rain… Hmmmmm…
6:16 p.m. – Pinky mad signs for half the cast including Jason Biggs, Chris Klein and more… I think she’s going to try and do some kind of flip style signage. lol…
6:32 p.m. – The crowd is thicker but still not too bad. Only a couple rows. Once arrivals start though the dealers kick in and it’s chaos….
6:37 p.m. – Thomas Ian Nicholas is on the corner crossing the street. He signs a couple then starts to cross over to the premiere even though we all yelled for him… sigh… Great, there’s one guy who didn’t sign.
6:42 p.m. – Chris Klein just pulled up and is waving. He’s crossing!
6:43 p.m. – Chris is signing and seems either nice or kinda douchey… I can’t really tell. he’s signing a lot though, which really is all anyone cares about. Let’s be honest.
Chris is only signing one each, I got him on my American Pie mini poster but he didn’t sign the American Reunion poster. Ugh… I have a Just Friends mini poster I tried for and failure there too… Ah well…
6:45 p.m. – Eugene Levy just pulled up… and we get waves… Yay… We don’t want waves we want signing! Grumble… My A Mighty Wind Poster isn’t getting signed right now… Sigh…
6:50 p.m. – Well… We got Chris Klein… lol…
6:59 p.m. – Oh, there’s Alyson Hannigan… Damn she’s so preggers! She is so so cute though. It’s Willow!
7:01 p.m. – Alyson Hannigan is coming over! I love her! She is literally signing one each.
7:02 p.m. – I wonder if Pinky can flip her signs lol…
7:03 p.m. – Alyson is literally hyper adorable. I love her!
She is really being adamant about signing one per person. I got her on my American Pie mini poster and then ask her to sign my Buffy The Vampire Poster and she says sorry I can only do one. I was like… Noooo… All I need is Alyson to finish the Buffy poster. I should have gone with that first… Ah well…
7:04 p.m. – Alyson is hyper nice and tries to get as many people as possible before crossing back over.
7:08 p.m. – Eddie Kaye Thomas is here. He basically looked up and was indifferent about coming over. Oh, shit there’s Jason Biggs.
7:11 p.m. – Both Jason Biggs and Eddie Kaye Thomas are walking over. I have my poster at the ready! Pinky is flipping her signs… Flipping like a mad man!
7:12 p.m. – Eddie is kind of odd… He’s signing a few here and there but skipping around… He walks toward our section but then skips us entirely! Dammit! Seriously. I mean come on Shitbreak really?
7:13 p.m. – Jason Biggs is coming up right behind Eddie and is signing his life away. he signs my American Pie mini poster and then flies down the rest of the line… Lord…
7:16 p.m. – At least a few people came over.
7:19 p.m. – Oh, there’s Shannon Elizabeth. She’s coming over. Okay, Shannon is signing but is personalizing everything which means she basically has time to sign 15 autographs at most. Lord… not that I’m desperate for her on my poster but still… Come on now…
7:24 p.m. – Oh, there’s Seann William Scott! He’s getting called over and quickly runs across the street. He signs one and then stops only doing photo opps. Then we get him to sign again.
I got him on my mini poster and he signs a few more and then says he would “come back.” Uh huh…
7:31 p.m. – Okay, arrivals are over… Oh Jennifer Coolidge just arrived and headed in. I didn’t see Tara Reid or Natasha Lyonne.
8:09 p.m. – Scotty and I are grabbing some food really quick.
8:49 p.m. – So we are waiting near the exits… Hopefully, it won’t be too long…
9:09 p.m. – It’s actually a nice night. Scotty has now joined us and Pinky is still waiting. She only got a couple of the guys so she needs most of the cast.
9:21 p.m. – It’ll probably be out soon God willing…
9:39 p.m. – Wait someone is leaving… It’s Jennifer Coolidge. We are calling her over. She walks on over to the other side… Dammit!
9:43 p.m. – After signing there Jennifer walks on over to our side but I’ll tell you the pushing and shoving is just crazy. I’m a little shocked.
It’s Jennifer Coolidge for God sakes! She tries to sign as much as possible but can’t really hit everyone. Scotty gets her and then she gets pulled because of the pushing… Sigh…
10:12 p.m. – Okay the movie is breaking… It’s madness… People are leaving everywhere…
10:20 p.m. – There’s no wait, that’s no one… Oh, it’s Jason Segel! He’s running over for a quick second.
he signs a few and I get him on my How I Met Your Mother Press kit…
10:24 p.m. – Seann William Scott just ran to his car. So much for signing after….
10:26 p.m. – Jason Biggs, Eddie Kay Thomas, and I think someone else just ran across the street to the party.
10:27 p.m. – There’s Mena Suvari… She’s signing for us and I get her on both of my mini posters… She’s super nice.
10:31 p.m. – Chris Klein comes over and signs a couple. I have that elusive Just friends mini poster out again, and Chris’s publicist actually says, “Wrong movie buddy!” I was like what? It’s Just Friends… What’s wrong with Just Friends? She’s like nothing… I’m so confused, and needless to say, it was not signed. Sigh…
10:32 p.m. – Thomas Ian Nicholas is leaving and we convince him to sign a few. I got him on my original mini poster for American Pie. It’s not much of a signature though. Ah, what can you do?
10:33 p.m. – Eugene Levy left and again just waved… Grumble…
10:34 p.m. – Alyson Hannigan is leaving and heads into the car. I don’t expect her to do it again but she’s hyper sweet waving and even rolling down her car window on the way past to blow us all kisses…
And that, as we say is that. I don’t even see Tara or Natasha on the way out… lol… Well… It was an okay premiere, I was hoping for more, but you know this was most of the cast. So… That’s pretty damn decent.
Until next time kids…
I am sorry but that is a little insane on Chris Klein’s publicist part. Hello he hasn’t been in a movie in how long? I know it’s his publicist talking but still I am sure Chris could of had a say. Good job getting Alyson. I always loved her in Buffy.
I agree, Abby. Sounds like someone — (cough) the publicist — isn’t doing her job effectively. And I was wondering if Thomas was going to sign…sucks to hear he only did a few. I’ve got him and Eddie TTM.
Hey Mike,
Another fun and long night! Good start on the poster! I think Klein’s publicist maybe ment when she said “wrong movie” was that Klein was only signing American Pie items.
Props to your success but that does suck about Chris Klein’s publicist shooting you down. I think John is right. I have seen some celebs and publicists shoot down an item because it wasn’t “the right movie” aka the movie they are promoting. Publicists can get very paranoid over the littlest things.
As for your disappointment with Shannon Elizabeth, she is a bitch! I hate to say it but she refuses to sign ANY autographs that aren’t personalized. I recently attended her first Autograph show ever and she charged TWICE as much money to get an item non personalized even for cast signed items!
Don’t be so hard on Shannon. She did sign quite a bit before and after the premiere. So she personalizes. I don’t care and as a fan it doesn’t really bother me when my item gets personalized. I like it and the celeb, I think, likes it when you give them a name. There have been many instances to where if I didn’t give them a name they would have passed me over at an event. Believe it or not when I volunteer a name they will turn around and sign for me. Doing so I was one of the few that got Sean William Scott.
Maybe I was a tad harsh calling Shannon a B**#, but I’m no longer a fan of hers as a result of her attitude at an AUTOGRAPH convention. Shannon presented herself as “above the fans” and believed she was “too good” at the most recent Hollywood Collector’s Show. I can’t believe she charged TWICE as much to NOT personalize and really refused to “interact with real fans.” I don’t have a problem with personalizations at all and love getting them, but if I’m paying for an autograph PLEASE sign it the way I want it (within reason) that’s all.
Some of my most prized possesions include personalized items like an Adaptation DVD personalized Charlie Kaufman and a Fast Times At Ridgemont High Laserdisc personalized by Cameron Crowe and Amy Heckerling so I’m always accepting if that’s the only way they’re signing that particular day. In several cases I have actually gotten lectured by certain celebs like Chevy Chase and David Lynch WHY they couldn’t personalized at events so I commend Shannon for staying true to her beliefs at a premiere. And that’s cool you got Sean!