Amy Adams Goodness! The American Hustle Star Is Super Nice To Her Fans! Autographs! And More!
Can I tell you how much I enjoy Amy Adams? Cause I do! I really loved her in Junebug, Sunshine Cleaning, The Fighter, etc… And when I heard that she would be on a talk show this week.. I knew I had to head out.
When I arrived there were already about 30 or 40 people there. So, I took my place in line and saw Will and Paul, who I’m sure you’ve read their reports on MTF. After chatting with them for a bit we continued to wait. Thankfully, it’s a great night.
Honestly, I’m not holding out much hope. Amy, while generally nice, hasn’t been been that great this month, Not signing at the Her premiere, the only one who didn’t sign anything at Palm Springs, so Im not sold on her doing anything here.
But, you just never know…
Amy has a really nice publicist and she’s pretty real with everyone saying whether or not Amy will sign or not.
Scotty just arrived and he got me an awesome The Walking Dead calendar for Christmas! NICE! The photos are great!
And after a few more minutes of waiting, Amy arrives and wouldn’t you know… She comes right on over!
She starts at one end of the line and tries to make sure and only sign one each. Which is fine with me, it’s always nice to get a couple, but one each is fair.
I’m trying to decide what to get signed, I have a stack of magazines, my Man of Steel poster, American Hustle, etc… I’m thinking of Man of Steel…
Amy arrives and comes right on over, she starts in the front and is happy to sign and do photos as well. Super nice.
By the time she gets to our spot they are very adamant about the one autograph each, but that’s fine with me. I would rather have one thing signed right rather than three things signed rushed. Just my opinion.
Amy Adams switches to gold to sign my Man of Steel poster and also is happy to take a picture with me as well. So nice!
She goes down the entire line, and is extremely nice.
A simple fun night.
Until next time kids…
Love this!
She seems so nice. I love her! How long was she out there for? can we see your pic with her?