Christopher Nolan! Jonathan Nolan! Ace Meets Dark Knight and Interstellar Writing Duo! Autographs! And More!

Christopher Nolan is arguably one of the most influential filmmakers within the last 25 years. He is the mastermind behind several of the most sucessful films of this century.

Now, everytime he has a Q&A, Alex and Chris always want to go because of their endless Batman collection. While I love the Dark Knight, I am more of an Inception kind of guy. Regardless, I tag along everytime they go.

I met Christopher Nolan for the first time last year on the set of Flora’s Letter. You are probably wondering, what the hell is Flora’s Letter? Well, Flora’s Letter was the working title for Interstellar. While I never saw Matthew McConaughey or Anne Hathaway, after waiting a few hours one day, Nolan eventually walked off set. While it took some convincing, he eventually obliged and signed several for the few of us there.We were extremely thankful!

Christopher Nolan Jonathan Nolan Interstellar

When we saw he was doing an appearence with his brother Jonathon, we knew we had to go.

Christopher Nolan Jonathan Nolan Interstellar

The brothers arrived approximately forty-five minutes before the event. However, neither one signed on the way in. Jonathan Nolan said he would sign on the way out and Christopher Nolan just ran in. At the time, there was only 8-9 people. It would have taken seconds to shoot down the line as everyone was organized.

We waited another hour until they exited the theatre and it was complete madness. Christopher Nolan exited the theatre and took my pen. However, he bypassed my item. It took another few minutes of him trying to find his car before he signed my Memento.

Christopher Nolan Jonathan Nolan Interstellar

He took so many boards to the face that I stopped trying for my Interstellar mini-poster. Instead, I asked Jonathon, who was also looking for his car, if he could sign my poster.

Christopher Nolan Jonathan Nolan Interstellar

He was very nice and stopped to sign for anyone who asked along the way. The event ended shortly after his departure.

Christopher Nolan Jonathan Nolan Interstellar

And with that, I hope you enjoyed this recap guys…

Now, remember, there is always a graphing opportunity out there… You just have to find it.

Until Next time,

Ace, the Autograph Addict

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