Contest Time! Life Of Crime Movie Cash! Check Out The New Jennifer Aniston Film In Theaters And On Demand August 29th!

life of crime poster

Who doesn’t love a good caper crime comedy? I have to tell you, I’ve been a fan of Elmore Leonard’s work for a while now and the new film Life of Crime is based off of one of Elmore Leonard’s books.

For those of you who don’t know, Elmore Leonard is the man who wrote the novels that Get Shorty, Jackie Brown, Out of Sight, etc…

Clearly, he’s done a lot!

Check out the trailer for Life of Crime on this awesome video player!

When a pair of low-level criminals kidnap the wife of a corrupt real-estate developer, they get both more and less than they bargained for in Life of Crime, a dark caper comedy based on legendary author Elmore Leonard’s novel The Switch. Starring Jennifer Aniston, John Hawkes, yasiin bey, Mark Boone Junior, Isla Fisher, Will Forte and Tim Robbins, Life of Crime is packed with the outrageously eccentric characters, black comedy and unexpected twists that earned Leonard a reputation as one of America’s sharpest and funniest crime writers.
Mickey Dawson (Jennifer Aniston), the wife of crooked real-estate developer Frank Dawson (Tim Robbins), is kidnapped by two common criminals (yasiin bey and Jon Hawkes), who intend to hold her for a $1 million ransom and extort her husband with inside information about his illegal business dealings. But Frank, who is holed up in the Bahamas with his mistress, decides he’d rather not get his wife back, setting off a sequence of double-crosses and plot twists that could only come from the mind of master storyteller Elmore Leonard.

Now that you’re interested in the film, why not enter to win a $15.00 Fandango gift card so you can go to the theater and check it out for yourself!

Just fill out the Rafflecopter form, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, leave your favorite Elmore Leonard adaptation in the comment section, you know.. The funstuff!

Enter below and make sure to check out Life of Crime, the new caper comedy from legendary author Elmore Leonard starring Jennifer Aniston, Tim Robbins, Will Forte and Isla Fisher is coming to theaters, on demand and iTunes August 29th!

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  2. Samantha August 21, 2014
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  7. Marisa King August 22, 2014
  8. bill norris August 22, 2014
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  10. Charity Cram August 22, 2014
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  12. Dee August 23, 2014
  13. Regan August 25, 2014
  14. JoeyfromSC August 31, 2014
  15. bn100 September 1, 2014
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  17. Daniel M September 3, 2014
  18. Samii Meyer September 3, 2014
  19. Laurie Emerson September 4, 2014
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