Erica Reports From C2E2 The Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo! The Walking Dead! Nikita! Cosplay! Captain America Props! Marvel and More!
As I was making my way through a world full of monsters and ghouls, The Lovely Erica was out and about at C2E2 the Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo! Now, even when conventions are not all that star studded there’s so much fun to be had.
This year C2E2 hosted a Nikita panel at the WB, The Walking Dead, The Captain America prop and costume auction and more! Check out her full report after the jump!
Last weekend Chicago hosted the third Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo, which is more commonly known as C2E2. A mix of comic books, movies and TV shows and a whole lot more were on hand to show everyone a good time.
C2E2 hosted the Captain America auction where the Captain America costume fetched a whopping $190,000! Take one last look before someone claims it for their very own!
The full Iron Man 2 suit went for measly $110,000 in comparison. One lucky bidder had a transportation fetish and walked away with the tank (!), several motorcycles and some parts of Howard Stark’s plane. Good thing I got my ride on the motorcycle before it was sold!
BTW – Captain America is impossibly strong since his vibranium shield (which is a “stronger than steel and a third the weight”) weighs about as much as I do!!
Elsewhere on the floor, Shane West and Craig Silverstein from Nikita were here to greet fans and reveal what’s coming up this year and what it’s like to put the show together (I’ll have more on that tomorrow).
Steve Yuen and Lauren Cohen got the endurance award as these Walking Dead cast members signed for THREE HOURS. No joke! They were as friendly and as sweet as can be and I’m pretty sure that after the signing, they were walking around like dazed walkers with all the flash bulbs and cramped hands from signing for several hundred people!
Chicago native John Cusack was on hand to talk about his upcoming film, The Raven.
There was plenty of other action as Legendary Comics revealed the Jim Lee cover of their new title, The Tower Chronicles.
There were also some actor/writer crossovers into comics as Shia LaBeouf bought a table in artist alley and signed copies of a comic he wrote, drew and printed himself. (No, I didn’t get pictures as he bought the table last minute and showed up out of the blue.)
Chad Michael Murray of One Tree Hill fame was also signing comics at the Archaia booth:
We were also visited by the all-mighty Avengers who assembled at the Marvel booth.
The Marvel booth was also the scene for a marriage proposal this weekend – Lady Sif agreed to marry her suitor in the middle of the Marvel costume contest.
Perhaps this is because the Thor that visited the Marvel booth stage was a little too young for Lady Sif at this time. Avengers do come in all shapes and sizes – we may have finally found a Thor to rival Chris Hemsworth in terms of adorableness!
Other creatures/people/mutants made an appearance as well…
Elsewhere on the floor, one of the booths was there to give out free books! As many as you could carry! Alas, the Novel Strumpet was nowhere near to help relieve them of books. Don’t worry, they may be in San Diego for Comic Con.
C2E2 also hosted a Quidditch tournament. This is the first time I’ve seen it and it seems rather amusing.
John Barrowman of Torchwood fame was also in the house. He’s actually from Chicago so this is a homecoming of sorts. I don’t have a picture of him well, because I couldn’t get the whole face…
(Years and years ago I met John and he was really nice and insisted on signing for everyone first and then doing pictures afterwards. This was because if we took pictures while he signed, we would only have pictures of him looking down and, as he said, “I assume you want, you know, the whole face.” Really! He said that!!!)
Sean Astin was also in town and dressed rather like an accountant and not at all like Samwise Gamgee or Mikey Walsh – tax day is coming up right?
So that wraps another year of C2E2! We’ll look forward to another edition in April 2013!
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Your right…I will have no problem relieving the Free Book booth of their books 😀