Franky Love Talks About Meeting His Teenage Dream Ms. Katy Perry! And This Time… It Was A GOOD Experience! Say Wha?
I’ve been bugging and bugging Franky Love here to send me in an article for quite some time. And after some prodding FINALLY he did it. Franky has some awesome stories and is such a huge fanboy, in fact he likes getting messages written on his stuff and everything personalized he gets signed.
So, let’s give a big Mike The Fanboy welcome to Mr. Franky Love! And God willing it won’t be too long before he sends us another report!
Okay, Franky take it away bro!
So after the fail of not seeing all her fans at the perfume signing in December, I was wary of the event at hand. Purchase a set of Katy Perry’s eyelashes from EYLURE starting at 10 a.m Saturday morning in BURBANK and receive a limited ticket to this unique event. 100 people meet KATY PERRY. Included with the package is the coveted PHOTO op with KATY PERRY taken professionally at the event. So on my birthday I hit the cold streets of HOLLYWOOD in search of …KATY PERRY MEET AND GREETS!
We arrive at the ULTA at about 12:30 a.m. and there are already about 60 people in line. Looks grim! What if those 60 people are holding spots for others! DOOMED! We take the risk! There but for the grace of GOD, security showed up early and implemented the rule, that there was no holding spots! Only the people that camped out. Everyone agreed it was fair. All this while I took a nap. zzzzzz Wake me up when I gotta get my hair did for the EVENT! So I ended up as Mr. 58 in line. There was about 200 people in line by the time 10 a.m. rolled around. So…”ONE EACH, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! $6.99 a set!” What? $6.99 for meet and greet with KATY PERRY! WOW!
[DO A LITTLE DANCE, MAKE A LITTLE LOVE, GET DOWN TONIGHT! ] 6.99! SWEET! See you all at the event on Wednesday!
So it Wednesday and now at the AMERICANA in GLENDALE for the event! There are only 100 people how bad could this be! I check in get my wristband and credentials, they made it all legit and like… DO WHAT U GOTTA DO! Get me to KATY PERRY and her BLUE HAIR!
Before the event started, KATY was dropped off by her car and then was moved to a staging area where she boarded a turquoise convertible to ride into the event. There are all these event people . They are setting up and not to many people realize that KATY PERRY is about to board this convertible. I waited maybe 5 minutes and I position close to the car, out of the way yet close. THERE SHE IS! Security is on her tight. Too tight! She tells them to ease up! She takes a photo with some little girls. SHOWTIME!. “Can I please get a quick photo?’ “Of course, you have a WHITNEY HOUSTON shirt on!” Thank you.
And she gets in the car and they drive her up AMERICANA way and around the fountain and in front of BARNES AND NOBLE they take her to the event area in front of the fountain.
As you approach the signing table you are stripped of all your belongings. I of course have a camera in the left pocket, and 3 magazines discreetly under my set of eyelashes. It’s all trying to get it all straight, and neat, otherwise you are gonna get harassed by security and it’s gonna be a big WHOMP WHOMP 4 getting nervous! So she says “i’ll sign 2 items for you! The eyelashes and what else?” “GIRL” [in my head] I choose the VANITY FAIR and the UK ESQUIRE ♥ [Photo op, “TAKE 1” this photo was printed on a glossy 4X6 and handed to you off stage. Trying to get the HQ J-PEGS for these from the event photographer.]
She signs the VANITY FAIR first…As we talk about WHITNEY! “Were you shocked about WHITNEY?” She asks. “I saw her at the OSCAR LUNCHEON the Monday prior to her death and she looked so pretty” “I loved that lady.” She says.
She looks over at the ESQUIRE UK. “Who is that for? she asks. “That is also for me.” She smiles. I continue the conversation. “When you busted out with “I WANNA DANCE WITH SOMEBODY” at your concert, I lost it!” She laughed.
So after the few moments, Katy sets you up for the photo. “You ready?” She asks. Uh huh. They take two photos. This I am going to call “TAKE 2” This photo is posted on the website. She thanked me for coming. ” I camped out on my birthday to come see you!” “AHHHHHHH” she says. “I’m sorry!” [yeah you are!] I thank her and off you go…IT’S OVER.
TIME to check my shit, get my printed 4×6 commemorative photo, GAG, and try to hit round two. AND NOTHING! She signs for as many little girls outside waiting as she can and jumps in her SUV and is gone! Hasta la promixima ♥
P.S. RONY’s photo booth does not return E-mails. LA DEE DA BITCHES! I need some HQ’s,
Make sure and check out Franky Love’s Facebook for more of his encounters and crazy times! 😉
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