I Just Fell In Love With Wicked and Good Christian Belles Star Ms. Kristin Chenoweth! Autographs! Photos! and More!
I have been a fan of Ms. Kristin Chenoweth for years. In fact I was supposed to actually see her live in concert on New Years Eve last year, but alas my flight wouldn’t allow it. I had the pleasure of meeting Kristin Chenoweth a few years back at Comic Con during a signing for Pushing Daisies… I thought she was great as Olive Snook and I was really pulling for Pushing Daisies to make it… Sigh… But now I’m super stoked for Kristin’s new series Good Christian Belles… It’s coming soon… Kristin was doing a talk show appearance to promote her new CD and Pinky and I decided to head out to try and meet her!
4:10 p.m. – I just arrived and there’s not a sole here… This is good and a rare change of pace especially since I have to move my car at 5. Damn hollywood parking…
4:11 p.m. – Pinky just called and she is on her way…
4:21 p.m. – I brought my Wicked mini poster with me and also I happened to find a cast photo from Good Christian Belles. I was hoping that there was some kind of promo image released from the show, but haven’t seen anything except the photo I have. It’s not the best, but I like to start cast photos early especially for shows I’m really excited about…
4:37 p.m. – Pinky just arrived and I’m heading to my car to move it.
5:02 p.m. – I just moved my car and got back… And wouldn’t you know Kristin Chenoweth arrived… grrr… I can’t believe I missed her arriving. Man… According to Pinky Kristin said she would come over on the way out… She had to sound check.
5:11 p.m. – So, now we wait… Ah well…
5:23 p.m. – Oh, the barricade is going up… Nice…
5:35 p.m. – I’m going to take a quick salsa break… Can I tell you how much I love the salsa!
5:56 p.m. – I’m back… Ah, good times, I so love the salsa..
6:22 p.m. – Pinky brought chairs for us, and yes they are pink, lol…
6:43 p.m. – I have to mention this, Pinky made a sign for Kristin Chenoweth that says No Bogsnarts. I don’t really understand this, and Pinky said I have to read her book… lol… So, if someone wants to enlighten me, I welcome it. lol…
7:01 p.m. I just ran into Mike The Fanboy reader Nico, and I am so sorry I could not remember his name for the life of me. I’m so bad with names, I called Pinky, Patty for a long time, lol… She just didn’t know…
7:09 p.m. – I really didn’t call Pinky, Patty. I was being silly.
7:15 p.m. – Oh my Lord, it is so so so so so cold out. It’s literally like a wind tunnel out here. Ah well. I’m hoping Kristin comes out soon… She’s actually the only guest on the show today.
7:22 p.m. – There are about 15 people here now… Not too bad really. I expected a lot worse…
7:31 p.m. – Any time now… It’s so funny when you are waiting out here like this, you just subconsciously stare at everyone walking by to make sure it’s not the one person you are looking for. lol…
7:43 p.m. – Oh, it looks like someone is leaving… Yep, it’s her! Kristin Chenoweth is coming right on over… We call for her, but she is heading over anyway. She is super nice. She stops to talk to a fan in a wheelchair who is waiting and then comes right on over to sign for us!
7:44 p.m. – Pinky has her sign out, and I have my posters… Kristen signs my Wicked poster and then I ask her if she would mind signing the new cast shot. She is so excited because she hasn’t seen that poster before. I knew it was pretty new, but I didn’t know it was that new! lol…
7:45 p.m. – Pinky and I both got photos with her. And they are so cute!
7:46 p.m. – Kristin is adorable, and so sweet to her fans. I’m so impressed with how nice she is! I love having experiences like this!
Make sure and check out Good Christian Belles when it premiere’s mid season!
Until next time kids…
About The Author

Starting this website has been a labor of love. I love sharing my fandom experiences but more than that I love hearing everyone else’s stories. I love hearing about conventions, movie locations, meet celebrities good and bad, I love it all. I sincerely hope you enjoy my exploits, the adventures of everyone who submits an article, and all the members of the Fanboy Family! Without everyone who writes and reads MTF there wouldn’t be a site. This is truly for the fans, by the fans!
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Isn’t she the best? I love her! She’s so cute and loves all her fans!