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NEWS / ID4 – 2! Who Is On Board For The Alien Kicking Butt Sequel? Roland Emmerich Reveals Two Returning Cast Members!
ID4 – 2! Who Is On Board For The Alien Kicking Butt Sequel? Roland Emmerich Reveals Two Returning Cast Members!
ID4 is getting a sequel! Yep, we knew that but what we didn’t know was who was going to be in the said sequel. As it turns out, according to movies.com Roland Emmerich said, that Will Smith was too expensive to make the journey into the butt kicking alien club once again…
So, who’s a cheap date? According to Emmerich Bill Pullman is already onboard as well as Jeff Goldblum are coming back!
Emmerich did mention that he would like Will Smith to come back in a cameo to pass the torch sort of speak.
What no Randy Quaid?
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