Katy Perry Meow Perfume Signing At Nordstroms! Or How Katy Perry Dissed Over a Hundred Fans and Almost Caused a Riot!

Today is a day two weeks in the making, sigh… This is the Katy Perry Nordstrom’s perfume signing. Ms. Katy Perry, who I have loved since her first album, is doing a meet and greet and signing her new perfume “Meow.” With a preorder you get to have a meet and greet with Katy along with a professional photo with her. Sounds great right? I thought so too…

Generally speaking, I’m not a huge fan of organized signings. It’s almost impersonal, you can only get their items signed, have .7 seconds with the celebrity and they are ushered off like a bug at a picnic. However, I know how fan friendly Katy is… Or was… and so I said to myself… I would love to get another more current photo with her. So, I pre-ordered my perfume, dropped down my $70.00 and waited until… Well… Today.

I tried to verify info with Nordstrom’s several times and finally pinned them down to some semblance of the facts. They instructed people that they can line up at 4:00 a.m. and then get their perfume and their laminate. Now, they also said that they have already assigned us a number… So, why the line up… I dunno…

8:32 a.m. – I’m stuck in traffic on the way over Laurel Canyon and about to rip my hair out! UGh…

8:56 a.m. – Literally, traffic was crawling up the hill… It was so so so bad. CB just called and said that they are giving out laminates according to the time that people got there… Which was different for what I was told. Sigh…

9:21 a.m. – I just got to the Grove, and got to Nordstroms. I picked up my perfume and sure enough the laminates were given out according to the time you arrived. Now, wouldn’t it have been simpler to just give them out according to the number you pre-ordered like we were told. Sigh…

katy perry laminate for meow perfume autograph signing at the grove nordstroms rare promo

9:29 a.m. – I am in the “P” group. I don’t think that’s too bad. They started with “C” so I shouldn’t be too far back in line. Okay, I’m heading off to work.

katy perry laminate for meow perfume autograph signing at the grove nordstroms rare promo

2:56 p.m. – Okay, back at the Grove. CB is here and we were ushered into a pen with the other people with laminates. Katy is supposed to arrive at 3:00.

katy perry autograph signing sign at the grove katy perry laminate for meow perfume autograph signing at the grove nordstroms rare promo

3:05 p.m. – I see Ryan, a friend of mine and text him hi. LOL, who can stay away from Katy Perry.

katy perry autograph signing sign at the grove katy perry laminate for meow perfume autograph signing at the grove nordstroms rare promo

3:11 p.m. – Katy is arriving on the Trolley at the Grove. LOL… OMG she is so cute!

3:15 p.m. – Okay, so they threw Katy onstage and she doesn’t really know what to do. It’s rather chilly out… Ah well…

katy perry autograph signing sign at the grove katy perry laminate for meow perfume autograph signing at the grove nordstroms rare promo

3:20 p.m. – So they are going to do a small press conference and then do questions from the audience…

katy perry doing a q and a press conference katy perry autograph signing sign at the grove katy perry laminate for meow perfume autograph signing at the grove nordstroms rare promo

3:32 p.m. – Katy is very cute and trying to take questions from the audience, but more particularly the back of the audience.

katy perry doing a q and a press conference katy perry autograph signing sign at the grove katy perry laminate for meow perfume autograph signing at the grove nordstroms rare promo

katy perry doing a q and a press conference katy perry autograph signing sign at the grove katy perry laminate for meow perfume autograph signing at the grove nordstroms rare promo

3:48 p.m. – Okay, so the “press conference” is over and now Katy is heading off to tape Extra with Mario Lopez. Sigh…

katy perry taping extra with mario lopez katy perry doing a q and a press conference katy perry autograph signing sign at the grove katy perry laminate for meow perfume autograph signing at the grove nordstroms rare promo

katy perry taping extra with mario lopez katy perry doing a q and a press conference katy perry autograph signing sign at the grove katy perry laminate for meow perfume autograph signing at the grove nordstroms rare promo

4:13 p.m. – Katy is back! I think they are starting the line, but then someone points out that the person on stage is the owner of the Grove and his family. They are onstage chatting, and it appears that the “A” and “B” laminates were all VIP or given out to the special people.

katy perry taping extra with mario lopez katy perry doing a q and a press conference katy perry autograph signing sign at the grove katy perry laminate for meow perfume autograph signing at the grove nordstroms rare promo

katy perry taping extra with mario lopez katy perry doing a q and a press conference katy perry autograph signing sign at the grove katy perry laminate for meow perfume autograph signing at the grove nordstroms rare promo

4:34 p.m. – Okay, it looks like they are finally starting with the actual fans. Finally! Katy is supposed to be here until 7:00 p.m. This should be fine and hopefully we will get in and out without a problem!

katy perry taping extra with mario lopez katy perry doing a q and a press conference katy perry autograph signing sign at the grove katy perry laminate for meow perfume autograph signing at the grove nordstroms rare promo

4:35 p.m. – It’s getting colder out… I can’t believe that it’s so chilly. Well, it is December, sometimes living in Los Angeles I forget that. LOL…

katy perry taping extra with mario lopez katy perry doing a q and a press conference katy perry autograph signing sign at the grove katy perry laminate for meow perfume autograph signing at the grove nordstroms rare promo

4:49 p.m. – Katy is literally taking forever with everyone in line. God, I hope they can get though the whole line. I mean she’s chatting and really being personable. Which is awesome as long as everyone gets to go in!

katy perry taping extra with mario lopez katy perry doing a q and a press conference katy perry autograph signing sign at the grove katy perry laminate for meow perfume autograph signing at the grove nordstroms rare promo

5:16 p.m. – I brought my Rolling Stone magazine with me just in case we can bring personal things in. It looks like they don’t care so I always like to bring something just in case. The laminate says no personal items, but honestly they don’t seem to give a crap.

katy perry taping extra with mario lopez katy perry doing a q and a press conference katy perry autograph signing sign at the grove katy perry laminate for meow perfume autograph signing at the grove nordstroms rare promo

5:34 p.m. – It’s really moving slow… Man oh man… My friend Frank is here and he got a laminate from the people at Nordstrom’s so he made it into the pen… Man oh man…

katy perry taping extra with mario lopez katy perry doing a q and a press conference katy perry autograph signing sign at the grove katy perry laminate for meow perfume autograph signing at the grove nordstroms rare promo

5:45 p.m. – Wow, thank God I have a bunch of people to hang with…

katy perry taping extra with mario lopez katy perry doing a q and a press conference katy perry autograph signing sign at the grove katy perry laminate for meow perfume autograph signing at the grove nordstroms rare promo

5:47 p.m. – There are so many young girls here… I shouldn’t be shocked but wow… I didn’t realize she had such a young fanbase.

katy perry taping extra with mario lopez katy perry doing a q and a press conference katy perry autograph signing sign at the grove katy perry laminate for meow perfume autograph signing at the grove nordstroms rare promo

5:56 p.m. – Okay, they are moving us into a different pen closer to the stage.

6:01 p.m. – Katy Perry just said something to her handler, and I saw it. She said, “Then I’m done.” Now, that could be after all the laminates are done, or whatever.

katy perry taping extra with mario lopez katy perry doing a q and a press conference katy perry autograph signing sign at the grove katy perry laminate for meow perfume autograph signing at the grove nordstroms rare promo

6:05 p.m. – The people at Nordstrom’s are handing out perfume samples now… Frank said that this is a bad sign, because they are just trying to butter us up, lol…

6:14 p.m. – Oh… Oh… They are not bringing anyone up in the line… Oh my God, are they really ending almost an hour early?

katy perry taping extra with mario lopez katy perry doing a q and a press conference katy perry autograph signing sign at the grove katy perry laminate for meow perfume autograph signing at the grove nordstroms rare promo

6:15 p.m. – MTF reader John, who I haven’t seen in years, just grabbed me and said, he heard she is going to come down off the stage. Sigh… a bunch of the girls in the front have made signs, like, “Don’t leave us Katy!” and one says, “Give us a chance Katy!”

katy perry taping extra with mario lopez katy perry doing a q and a press conference katy perry autograph signing sign at the grove katy perry laminate for meow perfume autograph signing at the grove nordstroms rare promo

6:16 p.m. – Okay, they are making an announcement that Katy is going to leave. She is leaving over a hundred fans in the lurch here! I can’t believe it!

katy perry autograph signing sign at the grove katy perry laminate for meow perfume autograph signing at the grove nordstroms rare promo

6:17 p.m. – They just announced that Katy has to leave but she has time to do another interview on stage. Wow… Really? She can’t finish her meet and greet, but of course she has time do answer more questions actually the same questions that she answered EARLIER in the day. Come on…

6:18 p.m. – Now the girls with signs are crying… and Katy says, “No, I’m going to come down there.” What?

katy perry taping extra with mario lopez katy perry doing a q and a press conference katy perry autograph signing sign at the grove katy perry laminate for meow perfume autograph signing at the grove nordstroms rare promo

6:24 p.m. – Katy Perry comes down into the audience and creates a riot. I mean people go crazy, there’s pushing and shoving and mass chaos because these young girls and people have waited to meet Kay Perry since 4:00 a.m. Of course they are going to go nuts.

I mean what does she expect? I’m so pissed off… Not only did more than half of the people who bought her perfume get dissed but now Katy Perry is out in the audience and they have to try and push and shove to “meet” her. This is making even the worst premiere seem sane.

It’s like 15 people deep, tourists are rushing in, dealers are throwing their stuff in, and young girls are getting crushed in the chaos. I did get my rolling stone magazine signed and a poster signed as well, but you know what, this is not what I signed up for.

This is dangerous. It’s not organized it’s in fact asinine, if I could get out, I would. But I can’t I’m stuck in this sea of people who are upset that Katy Perry has just dissed them. I have never in all my years collecting been to an event as half assed organized as this one.

First off, Katy Perry you should be ashamed. You should be ashamed that you dissed more than half of your fans who showed up and shelled out $70.00 bucks to meet you. You be ashamed that instead of just finishing your meet and greet you put people in danger. I literally saw a woman in tears after being smashed into the barricade. I personally was trying to help shield two kids from getting crushed in the mash up. It was ridiculous. You can do a press conference, and then say, “I have to go.” But I can do another interview to hock your perfume. Shame… Shame on you Katy Perry.

Is that melodramatic? possibly, but I took a half day off work, planned this day for two weeks, sat in traffic trying to get my perfume bottle and then had to sit in traffic again. Then I had to watch a bunch of people get an amazing photo on stage for an hour, only to be told “I have to go.” Wow…

Without hesitation or remorse, I marched my white Canadian ass into the Nordstrom’s… On my way one of the “Katy Perry” people said, “Oh, I’m sorry guys.” I looked at her and said, “Hell, I’m returning this perfume.” She was shocked, “Really?” she asked… I said, “I have never been to an event and have been treated with such contempt. And I was even put in danger. It felt like I was in a riot.”

The people at Nordstrom’s were super nice, handing out free perfume to anyone who could grab one. The workers were all so understanding and happy to return the perfume. I even told the woman helping us that I know it’s not her fault, but I need to bitch, and she was so sweet, and was like i understand! LOL..

So yeah… I’m bitter… I did get something signed, but I didn’t get that moment… whether that’s five seconds, or five minutes… That is better than an autograph, it’s a memory. My memory of this event… Well, I supposed you can read what that memory is.

It will be a little while before I can listen to any of Katy’s music. That makes me very sad, because Teenage Dream was such a part of my life this summer. I’m just so sad about this whole thing. Sigh…

Until next time kids….

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  1. Rachel December 15, 2011
  2. Lindsay Blake December 15, 2011
  3. Ryan December 15, 2011
  4. C.B. December 16, 2011
  5. Chris Williamson December 16, 2011
  6. mike December 16, 2011
  7. Jay December 16, 2011
  8. Biggest Little Fan December 17, 2011
  9. mike December 17, 2011
  10. John December 17, 2011
  11. mike December 17, 2011
  12. mike December 17, 2011
  13. John December 18, 2011
  14. Biggest Little Fan December 19, 2011
  15. John December 20, 2011
  16. Chris WIlliamson December 22, 2011
  17. mike December 22, 2011
  18. Cathy Herceg January 13, 2012