Kung Fu Panda 2 World Movie Premiere! Angelina Jolie! Brad Pitt! Jack Black! Dustin Hoffman! Lucy Liu! James Hong! Jean Claude Van Damme! Seth Rogan!
Today is an early day… It’s the premiere for Kung Fu Panda 2… Now, this is the earliest premiere I have ever been to, arrivals are at 10:00 a.m. so… we have to get there early… and since The Lovely Erica is joining me today… Well, let’s just say she will make my ass get up and get down there… lol… So, it is with great loss of sleep that I head out. Ah, the things I do for Ms. Angelina Jolie… How I love her!
6:42 a.m. – I have never seen Hollywood look so empty. I’m serious the Hollywood and Highland looks deserted and even lights are off… Crazy!
6:44 a.m. – I mean the streets are literally empty! Not even crazy people in random costumes!
6:51 a.m. – So, we just got here and said hello to Anushika and CB. CB saved me a spot but Greg offered me a spot closer to the entrance, and I’m going to take a gamble by going over there. I know that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt sign autographs down the full barricade usually so I’m not really worried, but I figure the smaller people will have to come this way to get on the press line so I’m hedging my bets here!
7:01 a.m. – This is super early, and I didn’t sleep last night cause I was worried I would oversleep and Erica would beat me. Seriously, she would beat me. Like WWF Smackdown… lol…
7:22 a.m. – I am doing a McDonald’s run… Pinky from Pretty in Pinky just arrived as well, and brought her pooch Sammy Rhodes… Sam for Sam Trammell from True Blood and Rhodes for Nick Rhodes… I know I don’t know what I’m going to do with her!
7:41 a.m.- I just got here and noticed the “McDonald’s Sauce Policy” I really didn’t know there was an official McDonald’s Sauce Policy, but apparently they have figured out how much sauce you need with your McNuggets… The sad thing is… I’m a sauce man; I like my sauce… especially salsa… mmmmmmm salsa….
7:46 a.m. – I fell like the sauce policy is a sad sad policy… I like a lot of sauce… sigh…
8:08 a.m. – I just made my deliveries, and am going through my crap… lol… there’s a lot of stuff for this premiere!
8:11 a.m. – I brought my Kung Fu Panda Mini poster for Jack Black. It’s going to be a Christmas Present for my sister cause she LOVES Pandas… I have the Mr. and Mrs. Smith individual mini posters for Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie…
8:21 a.m. – Sorry Erica just said something and distracted me… CB is full of energy and I’m sooooo low on energy… lol….
8:34 a.m. – I’m trying not to be too cranky though… Anyway, I have my Salt mini poster for Angelina Jolie and my Fight Club Mini poster for Brad Pitt… My Rainman Mini poster for Dustin Hoffman and a Kung Fu Panda 2 Mini poster for the cast… Oh and my Pineapple Express mini poster for Danny McBride and Seth Rogan plus my Knocked Up Mini poster… I think that’s it…
8:43 a.m. – Oh wait, My Big Trouble in Little China mini poster for James Hong… One of my all time favorites!
9:02 a.m. – Only an hour to go! There is a large cart with boxes from McDonald’s… Apparently they are a big sponsor of the movie… The box says, “Ready to heat folded egg…” Ewwwwww that just sounds gross…
9:11 a.m. – Plus, ready to HEAT… Not ready to COOK, shouldn’t eggs be COOKED! Hmmmmmmmmmm….
9:24 a.m. – Oh, the large Panda’s are out! There are two Kung Fu Panda’s out… I think that’s disturbing for children, cause in the movie there’s only one Panda… hmmmm… If I was a kid, I would ponder this… That’s just me though… lol…
9:34 a.m. – Time is getting short, so my energy is finally picking up!
9:44 a.m. – Oh wow, an actual EARLY arrival! It’s Danny McBride from Pineapple Express and Eastbound and Down! Everyone is calling him over and he’s coming right on over to sign… Of course he’s coming to the place I WAS standing… lol… I’m sure he’ll come this way though…
9:52 a.m. – Wow, Danny McBride is still signing his life away! He’s finally getting to us now and he signs my Kung Fu Panda 2 mini poster and my Pineapple Express poster. He even asks me who I have on it already.
I have James Franco, and Craig Robinson. If I get Seth Rogan today, it’ll be done! Whoo Hoo!
9:58 a.m. – The first autograph of the day! Crossing my fingers it’ll continue like this!
10:03 a.m. – Hans Zimmer just got here… Wow, he barely waved and didn’t sign a thing… man oh man… Crazy times…
10:09 a.m. – Oh, someone just spotted the director of Kung Fu Panda 2, Jennifer Yuh. People are calling her over and she starts to sign, but then gets pulled after she finished Erica’s poster. Her handler says, “Oh she’s got to go.” I always find that strange cause it’s super early and I would think that Jennifer Yuh would be ecstatic anyone cares lol… but that’s just me!
10:12 am. – Oh… Oh… Oh… There’s James Hong! Big Trouble in Little China’s David Lo Pan! I’m stoked! He is wearing an interesting hat… lol… James Hong is signing autographs, but is super far down… dammit!
10:17 a.m. – James Hong is still signing autographs, and we are trying to get him over to our area… Oh, another car… It’s… It’s… Jack Black! Holy Crap on a cracker!
10:18 a.m. – James Hong and Jack Black hug in the street as James Hong walks back to the carpet and Jack Black Signs autographs… Way far away… dammit times two!
10:19 a.m. – We are calling and calling James Hong and I’m waving Big Trouble in Little China for all it’s worth, lol… He sees us, and comes over to us and signs. I told him how much I loved Big Trouble in Little China and I think I totally geeked out lol… All for James Hong!
10:20 a.m. – There’s Dustin Hoffman! He comes over and kisses Jack Black and walks right over to the fans and starts walking down the entire line!
10:21 a.m. – Jack Black skips around the barricade but gets to our section and I ask him to personalize the Kung Fu Panda poster but he says, “I can’t I’m in a hurry!”
but he gives really nice signatures so that’s cool, and the poster looks really cool.
10:23 a.m. – Dustin Hoffman is moving slowly down our way, I mean he is taking his time with the crowd… Posing for Photos, signing autographs, man oh man…
10:27 a.m. – Lucy Liu who I love on Ally McBeal… Just got her… She looks stunning… I mean she is so cute in person! She starts to sign autographs for the crowd but I have to tell you, she’s being really picky. I see her skip a lot of “sexy shots” and even some Charlie’s Angels cast shots as well. It’s interesting…
10:28 a.m. – Lucy Liu is coming our way now and both Erica and I get her on our Kung Fu Panda 2 posters… She’s so adorable!
10:29 a.m. – Marcia Gay Hardin from the play God of Carnage and The Drew Barrymore directed Whip It just arrived and walks right on by us. She’s very nice actually.
10:31 a.m. – There’s Cameron Manheim signing an autograph! I didn’t even see her…
10:32 a.m. – Dustin Hoffman is still signing away… lol…
10:35 a.m. – Oh, Seth Rogan just arrived. He’s signing autographs on the line…
10:38 a.m. – Seth Rogan is skipping around, did I mention acting legend Dustin Hoffman is signing away still?
10:39 a.m. – Seth Rogan is coming our way, but it looks like they are rushing him, he signed my Pineapple Express poster and my Knocked Up poster, but the signature is so bad… I mean you can’t even make out an “S”… sigh… damn…
10:41 a.m. – Dustin Hoffman is about halfway down the line now… I love that man!
10:42 a.m. – Oh crap, everyone is going crazy… Yep, it’s Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie! Angelina Jolie looks amazing! They are so nice; they walk right over to the crowd and start at the end signing autographs…
10:45 a.m. – I’m noticing that Dustin Hoffman is signing slower than Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie… I think there’s going to be a pile up! LOL…
10:47 a.m. – Dustin Hoffman gets to our section and Erica gets him on her Kung Fu Panda 2 mini poster and I ask him to sign my Rainman mini poster… Dustin Hoffman says something but I can’t make it out… Literally Angelina Jolie is like a minute away from Dustin Hoffman!
10:48 a.m. – And Here’s Angelina Jolie! I’m unprepared! Erica gets Angelina on her Mr. and Mrs. Smith poster and I get her on Salt.
Then I whipped out the Mrs. Smith individual mini poster and ask her if she would mind signing this one as well.
She smiles, I melt literally…
and she signs that one for me as well… Stunning, Angelina Jolie is stunning in person… It’s simply amazing…. I’ve gotten her before, but I will always go for Angelina Jolie, cause she’s just awesome!
10:49 a.m. – Oh God, now I have to reset for Brad Pitt! I have my Fight Club poster out and he is about to sign it, but looks for the right spot. Then he notices that David Fincher drew a Hitler mustache on him, so he draws a handlebar mustache on Edward Norton! I love it! Then I got him on my Mr. Smith individual mini poster as well…
Damn! That was awesome!
10:51 a.m. – Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are on the carpet now… So, we are just waiting for a few stragglers…
10:56 a.m. – Jean Claude Van Damme just arrived… He is with his family, and brings them over to the carpet. He signed like two things, but makes his son get a few things and bring them to him to sign. Okay…
11:01 a.m. – Everyone is really calling for Jean Claude Van Damme but he really kind of just walks to the press line, and when he did sign something near me, he rolled his eyes like he was bothered… Ummm I wanted to say, did you see Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt a minute ago?
11:08 a.m. – And that’s it. We’re going to hang with Pinky for a second and then head out…
12:43 p.m. – Okay, so we ended up chatting and were so excited about the whole day, we just hung out… lol… There’s Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie with their kids… awwwww they are heading out…
12:47 p.m. – And Jean Claude Van Damme is getting in the car, and then a fan called out; I just wanted a picture with you. Jean Claude Van Damme did come over and take a pic with the guy, so that was nice.
So, that as we say is that! An amazing day! And quite a haul! I’m super stoked! Until next time kids!
About The Author

Starting this website has been a labor of love. I love sharing my fandom experiences but more than that I love hearing everyone else’s stories. I love hearing about conventions, movie locations, meet celebrities good and bad, I love it all. I sincerely hope you enjoy my exploits, the adventures of everyone who submits an article, and all the members of the Fanboy Family! Without everyone who writes and reads MTF there wouldn’t be a site. This is truly for the fans, by the fans!
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