Mad Men Season 6 Premiere! With Jon Hamm! Elisabeth Moss! Christina Hendricks! John Slattery! January Jones! Vincent Kartheiser! Aaron Stanton! Rich Sommer! Robert Morse! Norman Reedus! Autographs! Photos! More!
There are amazing television shows and then there are shows that are layered with deep characters and story lines. Mad Men is one such show. Each character is flawed and complex, in short I love it.
I honestly can’t believe that Mad Men has been on the air for six seasons. Each and every season has been awesome. So, when I heard that there was a premiere for season 6 I had to go. Thankfully, there were a lot of other events going on the same day, so hopefully people will be split between all the different events.
I arrived and OTG John was nice enough to save me a spot. Billy Beer and CB are here as well. Honestly its not that crowded considering it’s a Mad Men premiere. There are only like 8 to 11 people so that’s not too bad.
Liz is making a giant sign for Alexis Bledel. She’s engaged to Vincent Kartheiser so there’s a chance she will show up. Liz got her husband Greg to write please and draw a cherry on top. I’m not judging… I want to so bad, but I can’t. LOL…
The first to arrive before the actual carpet has opened is Robert Morse. He plays Bertram Cooper on the series. Robert comes over and signs pretty much everything and anything put in front of him.
He keeps asking everyone where they got the new posters and we respond “google images.” It’s pretty funny because he keeps inquiring about the different size photos and how we got those. And our response is “google” lol… This literally goes on for a good 10 minutes.
LOL… Funny thing was… I was there!
Christopher Stanley is next. He is very nice as well and signs and signs.
Christopher Stanley plays January Jones husband on Mad Men. He has such a nice signature and is very cordial to everyone waiting.
Holy crap there’s Elisabeth Moss! She’s the one I want most. She hasn’t been around lately and last time I saw her… Let’s just say, she was kind of mean. lol…
Today however, Elisabeth is nice as pie. Like so sweet. She comes over and signs and signs. She gets my mini poster and then signs my Rolling Stone magazine as well. Finished!
I have so much stuff for Elisabeth it’s kind of sad to be honest. I take out my Newsweek magazine as well and Elisabeth signs that too. She even says when signing my Rolling Stone… “opps, I missed my last name on that…” and then puts her last name on it. Ummm adorable much! You just never know!
I have a couple more things for her but I’m very very happy I was able to get a few things signed.
Jessica Pare is next. We keep yelling for her but she doesn’t look over and then finally is like, “I have to go in, I’m late.”
I want to say, ummm If Jon Hamm isn’t here, honey you’re not late.
Rich Sommer is here next.
He comes right over and signs and signs He’s such a nice guy.
Every time I’ve seen him, he’s been super cool.
Vincent Kartheiser just arrived and said he would start at the end and go down. Then John Slattery shows up.
They both start signing together and then Vincent Kartheiser starts to leave and we’re like, NO! So Vincent Kartheiser comes back and signs for our section. John Slattery and Vincent Kartheiser both signed my mini poster.
Gale Anne Hurd is here and comes on over to sign. She is so sweet.
I didn’t even think to bring The Walking Dead stuff! Doh!
Next up is Mr. Mad Men himself Jon Hamm! Jon says he’ll start at the end and then work his way down.
True to his word he signs for everyone!
I got him on my mini poster and then Jon Hamm signs and finishes my Newsweek magazine as well.
Then I asked Jon to sign my TV Guide magazine as well. Score!
Matthew Weiner is here now. He is awesome. He comes right on over and signs and signs.
Matthew Weiner is the one who basically forced Jessica Pare to take a photo with me at the last Emmy event. Matthew Weiner signs an index card for someone and writes, “This is not worth anything” on it. lol…
January Jones is here… And She signs to the right of me. For some reason I don’t get her because someone decided to throw his arms up in my way and block me. Cough, Cough… Oh well… What can you do right.
Aaron Staton is arriving and comes right on over.
He plays Ken Cosgrove and is really nice. He signs for everyone down the line.
We’re pretty much waiting for Christina Hendricks and…
Oh, there’s Christina! She comes over but doesn’t sign much. I think maybe 15 things and her signature isn’t nearly as nice as it used to be.
Joan is my favorite character on Mad Men and I’m lucky I got Christina Hendricks on my mini poster. I heart her!
Kiernan Shipka arrives super late. Now, this is late. LOL… She does wave and says she is sorry. I think she actually wants to come over and do it unlike (cough, cough) Jessica Pare.
Holy crap! There’s Norman Reedus! Love him! I really should have brought some Walking Dead stuff!
He comes over and signs and signs and signs… He’s always so kind.
And that, as we say… Is that! I had a really nice time and for the most part (minus one) the crowd was calm and it was cordial. It’s great to get most of the cast of a series in one shot, especially a show that you love.
Woo Hoo!
Until next time kids…
About The Author

Starting this website has been a labor of love. I love sharing my fandom experiences but more than that I love hearing everyone else’s stories. I love hearing about conventions, movie locations, meet celebrities good and bad, I love it all. I sincerely hope you enjoy my exploits, the adventures of everyone who submits an article, and all the members of the Fanboy Family! Without everyone who writes and reads MTF there wouldn’t be a site. This is truly for the fans, by the fans!
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I agree the cast is pretty amazing overall. Shocked Jessica Pare acted that way. Honestly, who does she think she is???? Man I would have been heartbroken if I didn’t get Christina Hendricks. I hope one day to meet her! Loved the write up
For once in a longgggg while….a productive and FUN day!! It’s so rare nowadays to run into an event that isn’t a cluster fu. Good company and front row is a bonus.
Our cast poster’s came out awesome Mike!
Ditto, just wish some people wouldn’t block other peoples items. LOL!!
Yeah MAD MEN!!!
Boo to all the “tags”.
Um….didn’t you fail to mention the most important surprise guest? Hello, I didn’t see Sam Trammell mentioned at all. Shame shame shame.
I heard some people were wondering if anyone signed at the after party. I wonder if anyone went to that, and wrote an article about a week ago. You should look into that!