TTM Bonus! OMG I’m So Stoked! I Just Got Back The Legendary… The Iconic… MAGGIE SMITH! Harry Potter Happiness! Holy Crap!


Can I just tell you how excited I am right now?

I understand why people get so excited about collecting TTM because today… I got my own TTM success!

Ace convinced me to send to someone I’ve been wanting forever. The legendary Maggie Smith. Now, I’m loved her for a long time, she’s an icon. In Harry Potter she was amazing as Professor McGonagall. Amazing!

And she just keeps on working. Downton Abbey, Clash of the Titans, Gosford Park, etc…

She’s in a word… Iconic.

I sent off my Professor McGonagall individual mini poster from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2. Now, because she’s in the United Kingdom it’s tricky for us here in the States. Not only did I have to mail it in a tube, but I also couldn’t include postage in the form of a SASE. I did it with cold hard cash.

I figure, why not take the risk? If I lose and don’t get anything back, I’ll survive.

This… This is amazing.

maggie smith signed autograph harry potter mini movie poster 007

Not only did it make my day, but it’s a lesson to other stars on what fandom means. Not only does one person get excited, but that same person tells tons of friends, who in turn tells their friends, etc… it’s the circle of life!

maggie smith signed autograph harry potter mini movie poster 007

So, I just wanted to share this awesome moment! And for those of you who don’t understand TTM collecting, this is one of those times that I totally get it!

Until next time kids…

Mike The Fanboy Signature logo

maggie smith signed autograph harry potter mini movie poster 007

maggie smith signed autograph harry potter mini movie poster 007

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  1. Scarlet Starlet August 4, 2013
  2. James in London August 6, 2013

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