Super Short Mon! Scotty Makes Angelina Jolie Smile! Recounting His Moment With The Maleficent Star!
I have to tell you, there’s no one like Angelina Jolie. She’s quite literally one of the best people around. She’s so good to her fans, and just a kind person.
She’s been out and about promoting her new film, Unbroken, and true to form she’s been amazing.
Scotty was out, not only did he have a brief encounter with her but got his Maleficent poster signed! Swoon!
Check out his recap below!
Super Short Sundays – Angelina Jolie Edition
December 7, 2013
By: Scott
I know Mike already shared our experience with Angelina, but I just had to share it again. I had horrible luck with the super star for such a long time.
My luck finally turned around at the Maleficent premiere earlier this year. Angelina was good to me again. With this amazing encounter, Angelina signed two more things for me.
She first signed my Maleficent poster. I was hoping to get her to change pen colors, but she was moving along, so I didn’t want to miss out on getting her to sign my items.
Instead, I asked if she wouldn’t mind signing on her forehead on the poster. She laughed and said, “No problem.”
Angelina also signed my Vanity Fair. She gave me that amazing second letting me know that she appreciated me and everyone else for being a fan. Thank you Angelina for being a CLASS ACT!
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