Mike The Fanboy Flashback: San Diego Comic Con 2010 Day 2 Friday! Walking Dead! True Blood! Hawaii Five-O!
Okay, so you saw day one of my adventures in San Diego at Comic Con for 2010… And here is day two the Friday of Comic Con.. now, Saturday is the biggest day, so that will be a tad insane… As I’m sure it will be this year that being 2011! Lol…
Anyway, take a look at 2010’s adventure with the casts of Hawaii 5-0, The Walking Dead, True Blood and more!
I’m tired… and it’s only day 2 of Comic Con 2010… Ah… the wonderful convention that brings the unshowered masses to San Diego each and every year. Good times! As I said this is day two with so much potential and possibly so much defeat… So, let’s roll the dice and see what happens!
9:15 a.m. – plunging headlong into another day. Sigh… I just saw Erica, and told her about my tummy issues. She faked sympathy quite nicely.
9:22 a.m. – I’m running to the Fox booth to try and get a Bones signing ticket… Run Michael Run…
9:24 a.m. – All gone…sigh… Ah well what can you do… this is shaping up to be a kinda crappy year… I shouldn’t talk too soon though right?
9:29 a.m. – I’m heading over to check on the Showtime swag. I also want to check on the Hawaii 5-0 signing and when I can line up for that.
9:40 a.m. – The Showtime people said line up anytime you want… oh wonderful… The signing is at noon so lining up now wouldn’t be that bad I suppose. I really want to get Grace Park on my Battlestar Galactica poster. Soooo….
9:47 a.m. – My friend Mike is with me and we are heading to line up. I think we are going to team up and save each other’s spots. So this will be okay…
10: 01 a.m. – So, I’m just here waiting. I’m going to go with Erica to try and get a picture on Thor’s throne at Marvel…
10: 05 a.m. – Oh, I just got stopped by the No Ordinary Family girls. There is no line and I can try and lift a car and get a bag and a T-Shirt. What I won’t do for a T-Shirt at Comic Con.
10:16 a.m. – In real life I wouldn’t do half this shit, and surely not for just a free T-Shirt, but here… lifting cars, sitting in a capsule with an Alien… Oh yeah, all expected!
10:32 a.m. – Erica and I are in line for Thor’s Throne… but I’m going to take off. I don’t want to leave Mike too long and since yesterday I didn’t have much luck with the signings I want to make sure I do okay today. True Blood is later on but I don’t have high hopes for that.
10:45 a.m. – There are two grown men dressed up like storm troopers waiting in the signing line. I really hope I never get jaded and things like that always make me smile… Ah comic con…
11: 09 a.m. – We now have orange dots on our name badges so I think we’re cool with getting in to the signing. Yay… We’re sort of official!
11:41 a.m. – Showtime lines people up outside the main convention hall so I have no idea what is going on… Sigh… It’s getting closer so that’s a good thing. I’ve heard good things about this new version on Hawaii 5-0 so I’m crossing my fingers.
11:54 a.m. – We are all standing at attention. Even the storm troopers… It’s like going in for battle really. That’s my comic con! LOL…
12: 07 p.m. – The first batch of people went in… It’s our turn next…
12: 12 p.m. – Okay, from the calm of the hallway to the madness of the floor… We are sort of escorted to the signing line. Several people try to butt into the line and are told that they have to go inside. It’s really a cat and mouse game… well more like a live action Frogger… lol…
12:23 p.m. – I’m almost up there… Grace looks really good. Erica gave me her Underworld poster to get Len Wiseman to sign it for her… So I have my Galactica poster for Grace and Erica’s Underworld poster… I hope they don’t tell me no… ugh…
12:25 p.m. – Okay… I got Erica’s poster done, and Grace signed my Galactica poster and switched to a silver pen for me. That’s joy… Is it sad that brings me joy? The jury is still out on that one… lol…
12:28 p.m. – I’m dashing off to The Walking Dead signing. I’m heading to that signing because it starts at one, and I see Scott wandering around. So, we head over there together, and find out where the line is.
12:32 p.m. – Erica gave me her extra ticket and I gave it to Annette’s significant other Andrew so he was pretty jazzed. Now we are all in line waiting for this one. Whew…
12:45 p.m. – This is the most organized signing line ever! I’m shocked! And everyone at this booth is so nice! Man, I need to come over to the comics section more often!
12:56 p.m. – They are getting ready. I think the cast is running a few minutes late.
1: 03 p.m. – I heard that the footage they showed for this series was awesome so I can’t wait to see it.
1:15 p.m. – Okay everyone is here… And we are heading to the signing. They said we can get two things signed, so Scott is going to get an extra signing for Erica, and I’m going to get this other promo poster I have for the series signed as well.
1:18 p.m. – Scott is freaking out. Apparently some chick in this show was also in the X-Files and Scott really wanted her to sign his poster! Lol… I kept telling him to bring it, but did he? NOooooooooooooo
1:25 p.m. – Now I’m running over to the WB to give Erica all her signed goodness. She’s in good position for True Blood, and I’m going to try and get in as well.
1:28 p.m. – Erica took my True Blood cast poster I’ve been working on to get finished. I’m heading to another spot to try and get in… I figure if I can’t get into this signing then I’m going to try for Big Bang Theory to get my diorama signed. Sigh…
1:36 p.m. – When you are scrunched with no room to breathe you make fast friends or fast enemies with the people next to you. Thankfully, the people next to me are kinda cool so that helps a lot. Sigh…
1:41 p.m. – Oh man… I see people filling into the coral… We are not even moving… Man this sucks… Grumble…
1:45 p.m. – I see Erica in the coral… She’s in the second pen and first in line… So at least she got in… But now they completely filled in the line and we have just stood here… We haven’t moved and I’m ticked off… grrrrrr…
2:00 p.m. – No one has left, but they cleared out that aisle so I should be in good position for Big Bang Theory at 3:30 …
2:14 p.m. – Shit! Now this dumbass security is making everyone leave. Oh my God, now everyone is pissed, and milling around and no one has position. This security team sucks the sweat off of a dead man’s balls…
2:22 p.m. – So, Now I’m wandering around the WB booth ready to pounce… Everyone is complaining and everyone around me is pissed off… This blows… man; they had a perfect line, why fuck that up?
2:41 p.m. – So, the True Blood debacle is done, that line is or has been closed and we are still hovering. Fuck!
2:51 p.m. – Oh my God, this is insane…I am brushing up or being smashed into all these people… ugh…
3: 01 p.m. – They are finally figuring out what to do… There are three lines and the fucktard security team is basically picking out the cute girls to go in. I’m six three I can’t pass for a small female. Then this old creepy jackass is saying things like… who’s the biggest fan? And a trashy blonde with big boobs jumps up and down and bounces and like Pavlov’s Dog he lets her in. Oh my God, I hate my gender sometimes…
3: 05 p.m. – I’m three fucking people away and then they cut the line off… I’m super pissed… Oh my God, the WB sucks this year… and I do mean sucks… Erica just texted me…
3:16 p.m. – She got Anna Paquin on my poster! Yay, but forgot to get Deborah on it to finish it… sigh… Ah well… It’s getting closer to getting done!
3:24 p.m. – I’m meeting up with her now… We have another signing later on upstairs…
3:38 p.m. – I’m eating a cold, sweaty chicken sandwich with no mayo and bitching out the WB… I will do this for a while this year… grrrrrr…
3:47 p.m. – I’m still pissed about the WB… Dammit! The True Blood poster looks cool. One more name to go.
4: 01 p.m. – This next and final signing of the day is Guillermo Del Toro. He’s signing limited edition posters for the new movie Wait until Dark. They are supposed to be embossed posters and hand numbered.
4: 11 p.m. – It feels so good to sit down… and bitch about not getting in to any of the WB signings… LOL, I’m very thankful to have gotten in the two signings I did however.
4:43 p.m. – I’m sitting down and waiting… Oh, they are ready. We’re getting up and heading into the room. Guillermo is such a nice guy. I mean he’s super chatty and just talking up everyone. I mean you really can’t get any more fan friendly than that.
4:48 p.m. – Okay, I really wish this was a mini poster, but it’s a one sheet. Sigh, you can only display so many one sheets in this world. It’s such a cool poster though… Ah well…
5: 01 p.m. – There is a huge line now… I guess they made an announcement at the panel about the free posters… I don’t know if they are going to be signed but they are going to give away the other posters to people waiting. I still think that’s really cool.
5:25 p.m. – I’m heading to the WB to get some free swag… Ah swag… Even though I hate the WB right now, I’m happy to take free crap from them. And you never know what they might be giving out… I mean they had porcelain coffee cups, Vampire Diaries Mints and more… so it’s worth it to make a bunch of trips back and forth!
6: 01 p.m. – Scott left and I’m going to go to Erica’s room and hang for a bit. Her and her sister’s are going to a party and I’m just going to chill. Erica is supposed to come back and then I’m going to head out with her to get food or whatever….
6:59 p.m. – Okay, no Erica… it looks like she found better stomping grounds and I’m off to my hotel to get up at the butt crack of dawn for the chaos that is Saturday… Ugh… Wish me luck…