(ENDED) MTF Contest Time! Win An Avengers Hand Signed Autographed Mini Poster By Joss Whedon! Yep! Can You Say Awesome?!?
Hey Guys! To celebrate the release of probably my most anticipated film of the year and I would take a guess and say most of us here at MTF, we have a hand signed Avengers mini poster to give away!
Say What?
The Lovely Erica was kind enough to donate this 8 ½ x 11 magazine insert that she had Joss Whedon sign. It’s from her personal collection and is the Avengers tease “A” style ad. I believe that this was from the back of the Hollywood Reporter many moons ago but don’t quote me on it. I do know at the time it was one of the first promotional pieces out there!
Everyone… Say thanks Erica for this awesome opportunity! Whoo to the hoo!
So, now you’re saying… How do I win? Simply let me know what your favorite thing Marvel has put out? Comic book, movie, action figure, I don’t care… and just a brief statement as to why!
Easy right?
Leave your answer here on this post in the comment section and also leave the same comment on the MTF Facebook page here…. Where? HERE!
If you want an extra chance to win follow MTF on Twitter Here
! Leave me your twitter name in the comment section as well.
For a Third chance to win, (re) tweet or facebook the contest out to your friends… Leave me the text in the comment section!
Good luck guys! Winner’s Will be chosen by Random.org on May 21st!
I actually have 2 fave marvel properties the comic books and movies, i love comparing them so when i get a new marvel movie i tend to go and buy the comic books to compare the details and the movie, and i follow you on twitter @UneeqlyHeather
Mine’s a little out of the box, but my favourite Marvel property is the sketch which comic book artist Andie Tong (who has worked for Marvel) did for me – it’s of me as a superhero; I love it! Thanks Erica! – I promise if the poster comes to me I’ll give it a good home! :0) Twitter: @LadyPymm
My Robert Downey Jr autographed Iron Man photo! I went the European Premiere in London which took 3 1/2 hours to get there and then waited 8 hours with no food or water, no chair or barrier to lean on since there was one person standing in front of me and it was absolutely insane! As soon as Robert came out the crowds began pushing and shoving and even though I was so tired I mustered up any remaining strength that I had to withstand the pushing from autograph hounds/sellers behind me and get my photo signed!
The photo now has pride of place in a large gold frame in my room 🙂
Would really love this Poster since Joss didn’t attend the UK/European premiere it really would mean the World to me! HUGE fan of Joss’ and absolutely loved seeing “Avengers Assemble” (as it’s known here in the UK) the other day! and I’m a big fan of Mike The Fan Boy and have been reading your posts since you first started and seeing your links from fanmail.biz 🙂
Twitter: @TheRichardJay
Mine would be my special edition collection of the Marvel movies so far. I do not have anything autographed yet so it would be amazing if I could win this. I am a big Iron Man fan since I share the name Tony Stark with him.
My signed Comic Con: Episode IV – A Fan’s Hope Book signed by Stan Lee! Why? Because he is a comic book GOD! I would love to have Joss (Sci-Fi GOD) Whedon’s autograph join Stan Lee’s.
Twitter – @Alienxphile
Mine is a signed Spiderman movie poster by the cast and Stan Lee 🙂
Well, I have to agree with Stephen N. and Cort Kern. Mine is a personally hand signed, by Stan Lee himself! An Official POW! (Purveyors of Wonder) Entertainment promo piece cartoon character of Stan Lee (who in my opinion was, and STILL IS, AND WILL ALWAYS BE MR. MARVEL!
Follow on Twitter -@Haunted_Lair
Shared giveaway on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=141141876018228&id=1561580536
I really don’t have any Marvel property, except for a Spiderman DVD gifted to me for my birthday a few years back, it isn’t signed or anything special but it is all I got, I hope that counts for something:/ anyways here is my Twitter @BrandonDiazLive thank you for reading
I really liked the recent Punisher Max series, the story was a good take on the character.
I really liked the story of Thor. I liked how it felt a little like a Greek myth.
Honestly, it’s the Avengers. It is absolutely fantastic!!!
I am a twitter follower @methhamfetabean
The best thing ever released Marvel related would have to be the short-lived Wolverine and the X-Men cartoon on Nick Toons a few years back. They ended on a cliff-hanger leading to the Age of Apocalypse storyline and then it was canceled 🙁
I have a signed Godzilla poster from the guy who wore the costume in the movies
The only property I have are the DVDs/Blu-Rays and a few comics. My husband and I are huge Marvel comics and actually want to start collecting now that the kids are getting older. My favorite by far is Captain America because we have several friends that are military.
I of course meant, we are huge Marvel fans…we aren’t actually comics…we are funny, but not comics.
Following on Twitter (@CandiceHull)
Punisher 2012 – it was the first comic series I ever read in its entirety! I am not on Facebook, sorry
I tweeted at https://twitter.com/#!/JCHARRIES/status/202927118320021504
Fave – The Avengers franchise on the whole; great.
Following on Twitter – @evdav1
The fantastic four comic books have been my favorite
I follow you on twitter
love all the movies!
THE INFINITY GAUNTLET SERIES! I still go back to my comic collection and read that series at least once a year. It had to be the most suspense full comic reads I have ever seen.
I would have to say my Stan Lee Autograph from 2011 Leaf Pop Celebrities series. I love it. That and the Avengers movie, was due time it came out.
I follow you on twitter….
Tweeted on twitter….
My favorite thin from Marvel has to be The Avengers so far!
follow you on twitter: jhoneypie411
Love the spiderman comics and all the other comics they have
vmkids3 at msn dot com
My favorite is the Avengers. I like how they gave each one equal time so that they were not just a team but you also got to see each one as an individual.
I commented on your Facebook page.
Laurie Emerson
laura55 at cable one dot net
My favorite was the movie! My kids had been hounding me since it came out and we saw it on the Monday after it opened and loved it! It’s fun to be able to forget the outside world for a few hours and just enjoy the action on the screen!
My favorite thing Marvel has put out is the Hulk, we love the (Ed Norton) version and watch it monthly!
i follow on twitter @7kidsandus
tweeted https://twitter.com/#!/7kidsandus/status/204376935772590080
Well I have been a Thor fan since I was a kid It all started with reading the first tales of asgard and I was hooked
My favorite thing from Marvel so far has to be The Avengers. It has all the characters combined into one awesome movie.
I follow you on Twitter Tiffanynhood
I retweeted the give away on twitter https://twitter.com/#!/Mikethefanboy/status/202282989776932865 tiffanynhood
My favorite movie is ironman beacause Iv always loved Robert Downey JR.
I know shallow
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I think the best thing is The Incredible Hulk action figure.
Became a fan of Marvel when I was little and watched the old X-Men cartoon and then I read the X-Men comics. Loved the Avengers movie! Favorite Marvel movie I’ve watched so far.
I like Iron Man because he flys, he has great weapons .
The Avengers & The Incredible Hulk, etc., etc.!
My favorite is The Avengers because it’s one of the most awesome movies I’ve ever seen!
Also I follow you on Twitter and retweeted. @FanOfJeffster
The best thing they did was make the Iron Man movies. Loved them and they put the comic movies back on the map. No Avengers without those movies.