MTF Flashback! My Molly Ringwald Experience At Her Book Signing For Getting The Pretty Back! Total Fanboy Fail!
Hey guys! Well… With all the Molly Ringwald talk here at MTF, I thought I would dust off this article I did for another site around the time that her book Getting The Pretty Back was hitting stores. Molly was doing a book signing at Book Soup and I was really excited to go. I even called the store to see if she would sign other things, and Book soup said, “Usually, they don’t mind. It’s up to the artist but we don’t care.” So, it really was Molly’s call.
As you all can see, I try and be fair and unbiased here, you take the good, you take the bad, etc… but I figured I would throw this one out there since it was my first hand experience!
So, Check it out!
Hello readers of Mike The Fanboy… This is going to be a different kind of column, as there is no way to express my feelings in my usual format. Most of you know, I generally don’t say many negative things about celebrities and fandom simply because I like to focus on the positive aspects and fun one can have “in the field” sort of speak. However, after venting to Erica for about an hour and a half about today’s subject Erica said, and I may be paraphrasing here, “You have to write something about the bad experiences, otherwise everyone will think, that the only people who won’t sign an autograph are Marcia Cross and John Cho!” The latter of whom I have since gotten to sign my Star Trek poster… Sigh… So please bear with me on this…
On Wednesday, none other than 1980’s icon Ms. Molly Ringwald was doing a book signing at Book Soup in West Hollywood for her… literary achievement Getting The Pretty Back.
Now, I love Book Soup, if there is a signing there I am remotely interested in I usually go, cause they are independent, let you bring other items in, and are simply bad ass. Scotty called me earlier in the day and was like, “Molly Ringwald! Molly Ringwald!” I laughed and said I knew about it and was planning to go.
He was going to meet me up there. I just had a hunch though that Ms. Ringwald might be a diva. I heard other reports for signings that she wouldn’t meet people, only presigned books, and would not take photos. However, I always like to think that rumors are rumors and I should see first hand.
Now, I am not one to just jump into something so I placed a call to Book Soup and talked to the manager. I asked him about the signing, and he said, “They have not heard about any restrictions with Molly, and usually people are really nice and will sign other things, and take photos.” I hung up the phone fairly confidant my Pretty in Pink and 16 Candles posters would be signed today even if I had to buy a couple books. No big deal, I’m happy to support a person and artist I like. So, off I went. I met up with Scotty and we got there around 7:09 p.m. Still can’t break my usual formatting… lol… Molly was reading her book, and we were listening.
I was a tad shocked though. The book seemed… well… juvenile… Molly was literally reading a section about the “Perfect chopped salad.” This is what her book is about? Eating a salad… Okay, whatever.
I then ran into a couple guys I knew and they said that there was an announcement no photos, no other items, and no talking about any of her 1980’s movies.
Okay… so during the Q and A I’m supposed to ask what kind of crouton she likes? I mean, she was going on and on about food. Although Molly did assure us that there was more to the book then food.
She also writes about cleaning out her closet…Pause… I hate cleaning my closet. Why the hell would I want to read a book about Molly Ringwald cleaning out hers!? Sigh… but this is not a literary journal, so I will not harp on her prose.
During the Q and A someone had the audacity to ask a question about the Breakfast Club which received a curt answer and then moved on to a question about that infamous chopped salad. Like she couldn’t answer ONE question about the movies that we as a generation grew up with! Sigh… The thing that really got me was that there was only 20 people there… Not exactly packing them in. There were more people for Diablo Cody and Alexander Payne when I went to their book signings… And Molly’s an icon for God sakes…
This is all superfluous to me though… It was the way in which the signing itself took place that bothered me the most. I would say, about 5 people left without getting the book so for arguments sake there were 18 people (I’ll throw a couple people your way Molly just to be fair). These 18 people were instructed to put the cameras away because Molly did not want to be photographed. Okay, okay… Fine. I elected to watch the line and not join it. I just wanted to observe her interaction because I had given up on getting my posters done but wanted to see how others faired. The first guy up wanted to talk to her about some of her films… I have never witnessed such rude behavior before, not since Francis Conroy has a celebrity been so… unpleasant. She cut him off and handed him a book to basically shut him up and had her publicist try to whisk him away. Wow, 18 people baby and you can’t make conversation for 2 minutes?
Then I saw what really was the straw that broke this camel’s back. Instead of signing for the people in line, if you didn’t want your book personalized they would hand you a pre signed copy of the book. Like she couldn’t sign for the 18 people there? It was just tacky, obnoxious, and cold.
Now, before everyone leaves me comments, like, “Molly Ringwald doesn’t have to sign, there’s nothing saying she owes you an autograph!” I get it! Trust me. Ringwald doesn’t owe me jack. I may have bought the VHS copies of Breakfast Club, 16 Candles, Pretty in Pink, then re-bought them on laserdisc, then again on DVD, and will buy them once they hit Blu-Ray. This was MY choice. Molly Ringwald did not show up on my doorstep with a gun in her hand and force me to watch The Pick-Up Artist. Although if she did that means my other posters would have gotten signed. Lol… She didn’t make me come to her book signing, she didn’t make me do anything, and just like any other celebrity she owes me nothing.
However, when you are out pedaling a book about a freaking CHOPPED SALAD, and doing a signing I think you can give a little back to the fans that have kept you employed over the years. I mean really, it’s appalling to me when someone takes advantage of fans to sell a book that is clearly crap and then say, “Oh don’t talk about my 80’s movies!” Especially for someone that is really only known for three movies because the rest… let’s just say if they were on TV right now, I would opt for that gun. What also unnerves me is that during their book signings, Michael Stipe (who is on the MGA logo), Brian Wilson, Quentin Tarantino, and more have gladly signed one other item and some even did photos. They are, for lack of a better term, still relevant while Molly Ringwald is sadly not.
Outside the venue I watched as a couple guys tried to get her to sign a laserdisc, and again I just wanted to observe and didn’t approach. She used the “I have a baby” excuse and had her publicist brushed them away. When she drove off, I couldn’t help thinking about that old adage, “The only time you have to worry about autographs is when people stop asking.” Well Molly with only 20 people at your signing, you might want to start breaking out the cold sweats because after a while no one will give a shit.
I will now climb down off my soapbox and return you to your regularly scheduled Mike The Fanboy.
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Starting this website has been a labor of love. I love sharing my fandom experiences but more than that I love hearing everyone else’s stories. I love hearing about conventions, movie locations, meet celebrities good and bad, I love it all. I sincerely hope you enjoy my exploits, the adventures of everyone who submits an article, and all the members of the Fanboy Family! Without everyone who writes and reads MTF there wouldn’t be a site. This is truly for the fans, by the fans!
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I am SO HAPPY YOU POSTED THIS! I remember when you first wrote this article and I couldn’t believe this really happened. Like I said then and in Pinky’s Molly Ringwald post, my experience happened a few weeks before this event when she refused to personalize books at the Northridge Borders and that left a bad taste in my mouth. At the Northridge Borders she also refused to “talk about her past” and it’s like, you’re kidding right? On a side note Alicia Silverstone did the same thing and refused to talk about her “Hollywood” career when she was peddling her Vegan cookbook at Book Soup. Additionally, she turned down a fan who pulled out a FRAMED Clueless poster, which was signed by other cast members and instead said “Sorry, I can’t. They won’t let me.” (One of the Book Soup employees just rolled their eyes and almost laughed at that excuse).
Still, there is probably a good reason why there weren’t too many people there. In case you weren’t aware, a lot of people attended a book signing/ Q& A with Brett Easton Ellis (American Psycho, Less Than Zero, Rules of Attraction, etc) that happened on the same night/time, including yours truly, at the Largo. Over 200 people showed up for the event and afterwards he graciously signed EVERYTHING put in front of him. Brett absolutely loved meeting all his fans and took his time with everyone. He signed DVDs, multiple books, older editions, and took pictures with everyone who asked. One of my friend’s sisters also attended the Molly Ringwald signing with you that night and called us while we were at the Largo to complain. She couldn’t believe all the “ridiculous rules” and that the only way to meet Molly was if you wanted a personalized copy, otherwise you received a “presigned copy.” You seriously summed it up beautifully with how horrendous and heinous that signing turned out to be. When celebs won’t even talk about their “careers” that made them successful and refuse to interact with fans at a “meet and greet event” then they don’t deserve to have any fans. Especially when less than 30 people show up for it!
No one is asking for the moon, but sometimes you wonder what celebs are thinking when they enforce so many rules. I have attended numerous signings where they have retracted their own guidelines because a) Less people showed up than expected or B) Beacuse they want to spend more quality time with each fan signing extra items and/or taking pics. Just a shame Molly refuses to embrace her fans, even in calm settings.
I remember this booksigning at Book Soup. I guess you weren’t watching closely BUT Molly did sign one and only one piece of memorbilia. She actually completed an 8X10 Breakfast Club cast that was just missing her signature for a dealer named Steve. He bought 10 books to get it done though. Also in defense of Molly, the management/staff of Book Soup tend to be jerks when trying to get extra stuff signed anyway.
Hey Jack! Wow, you remember that far back! Dude, that’s awesome! Thanks for hanging in there with me all these years! I’m getting a tad misty! LOL…
And yeah, it was a horrible event. Sad really. Ah well… You know, it’s just sad…
Who does Molly Ringwald think she is being so bitchy…Ellie Kemper??? I’m so glad I will never, ever, go for her…
Mike, yeah I go back to the “Gets Around Era” lol. I only remember that day because I was ao happy I chose the Ellis event over attempting Molly a 2nd time. It was one of those, which events is worth more to me: meet one of my favorite authors ot neet an 80s icon. Besides Mike, I love the stories and will continue following as long as possible. After all we went through the Katy Perry debacle together and I gave you hints for Lizzy at Paley. Us fanboys need to stick together.
CB: Apparently she thinks it’s still the 80s
John – Do you work for Molly or something? Or are you just trying to disagree with everyone as usual? I understand trying to defend someone, but this is just ridiculous. Multiple people have the same story and because you got one thing signed, or heard of one person getting something out of the ordinary signed, you think it outweighs all the negative? Please. It’s getting old.
Seriously, John! Your comments are beyond old and I honestly feel like you are just being argumentative. Every time someone has a negative story to share you have some fabulous encounter with the same celeb which you think negates it. It doesn’t. I’d much rather just hear the truth!
Fabulous write-up, as always, Mikey! :). And you’re right – Book Soup does rock! They are always extremely fan-friendly, as is Vroman’s which is owned by the same family.
She sounds like someone who is VERY full of herself…and thinks she is a hell of a lot more relevant than she actually is.