MTF Rant! Is Dolly Parton Faking Autographs To Sell More Copies Of Her New CD?
I have to tell you, I’m pretty pissed off. I know, two rants in one week!
So, I’m on my way home today and Ace calls me, “Bro… Bro… Bro… Those Dolly Parton signed CD covers are autopened.” I was like “No way!”
If you remember we did a deal of the week post on the Dolly Parton signed cd’s from Wal-Mart. If you pre-ordered the cd you got a free signed cd cover from the country music legend.
Well… Ace sent me the comparison photo below and needless to say, I’m not happy.
P/C Ryan Connelly
If you advertise that something is signed, don’t fake it. I mean seriously, let’s stop for a second and think about it. If you’re telling people that you signed your cd and then have it autopened that’s 1. a lie and 2. a slap in the face to all your fans.
I get it, Dolly might not want to sign a couple hundred cd covers. Cool. Then don’t do it. Don’t give away a “signed” CD cover to get people to buy your new album either.
Is this what Dolly Parton has to resort to, to sell a CD now a days? I mean, I love me some Dolly Parton, Backwoods Barbie was awesome, I haven’t heard Blue Smoke yet, but I’m going to slap that old return label on it, because no way in hell am I going to be duped like that.
It can be the best album in the world, but you have just screwed over all your fans, it’s rude, mean, disingenuous and I will never.. NEVER spend any more money on Dolly Parton memorabilia again. And before you ask, I have gone to concerts, I have have programs, concert shirts, etc…
I just find it so sad and desperate that someone who is a country music legend, who built their career out of a persona of sweetness and country charm would do something like that. It’s… It’s… It’s Unsouthern. I just quoted Blanche from Golden Girls, that’s how mad I am.
I’m very sorry guys, I’m sorry I reported and passed the link along, I suggest that you contact Wal-Mart and give them a piece of your mind, let’s all do it.
Really, buyer beware. Be careful and read all the websites clearly. I never thought someone like Dolly and a retailer like Wal-Mart would stoop so low.
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Bummer….. I just got my 2 in… The good thing is that Walmart is great with returns!
Wait a minute… just looked at my 2.. They look very different.. U sure its autopen?? Ill send images later on today..
She’s using two Different autopens…I’ve seen examples of both signatures. Just like Jenny McCarthys Target books. Using two different signatures to try and fool fans 🙁
Anyone know about the Brad Paisley signed CD through Cracker Barrel? I want to order but now this “rant” has made me cautious.
so the McCarthy Target books are autopen??? Dammit… just ordered one…
Just returned from Walmart.. Returned my Dolly CDs but kept the bogus booklets… Not paying for them makes me feel better
I’m pretty pissed of about this.
I mean I have only got one auto this year, one!
I have sent letters to “the Walking Dead” cast back in 2013 and tried again this year in January… And I’m still waiting!
Bryan Cranston is asking $80 for his auto, and now This! Lord give me strenght!
This is by far my worst year of collecting!
(sorry for the rant)
To the tune of 9 to 5:
♪ Working that autopen,
What a way to a make a livin’
Pushin’ those bogus discs,
It’s all takin’ and no givin’ ♫
Yo Slender, so sorry for the bad year. Everyone has them. This really upsets me because it was advertised as a signed booklet and it’s bogus…. Grrrrrr..
That was awesome!!!!!!
Well I bought the pre-order HOPING to get one, but I guess I ordered too late since mine didn’t come with a signed anything. So, you can send it to me if you really don’t want it 🙂
Sadly, the autopen signatures being sold as real are nothing new. Muhammad Ali and Hillary Clinton did them at official “book signings” and Gregg Allman was selling them from either his site or the book store.
Around the mid 2000s, NRA was selling autopen or stamped Charlton Heston books. And the facsimile signature on the NRA Heston t-shirt featured the secretary’s signature.
As long as there are unsuspecting people, there will be people trying to get one over on them.
In some cases I wouldn’t be surprised if the celebrity really has no knowledge of the situation. It’s possible the company did a contract with someone on Dolly’s staff and rather than having Dolly sign so many they just went with some AP sigs.
Do you have a picture of the other autopen signature? I would like to compare it with mine.
There authentic took mine to a professional and they said its real.
Shawn – did that ‘professional’ charge you?
BTW – it’s “they’re” authentic, not there.
Dolly did the same with her books thru wireless
Who really give’s a shit if Dolly didn’t sign it, the way your all carrying on your not real fan’s of Dolly.
You should love her for her music & who she is. I have meet this beautiful lady & she is the real deal.
You’re right, who gives a big steaming shite about Dolly, Jenny, Bette or Fran! :p
Well, they just said it was autographed, they didn’t specify who or what autographed it. Lol. This does look like the standard autopenned Dolly signature. I’ve been lucky enough to have her sign a few things in person for me over the years and while this is similar, her handwritten autograph is never quite so neat and legible. The autopen version is a little too perfect. You should’ve kept the cd though, it’s pretty good for the most part.
You all need to get a life. There was nothing that said “hand signed” and if you are a true Dolly fan you should be supporting her every which way you can. She is remarkable and staying healthy and strong at 68 years old. You should be congratulating her. Not yelling at her behind her back because you feel let down over spending $11.88 on an auto penned signature. Let’s get real….you get what you pay for. If you want the “real” thing, spend the $500-$1500 it costs to meet her. Come on now…Dolly rocks and we all know it. Help her out, buy back your CDs and move on with your life. Stay happy and keep positive. That’s what she always tries to promote and you aren’t listening to that message very well. -end rant-
I will tell you right now when you start talking crap about Ms. Dolly your already on my sh– list like a comment stated earlier your all up in the air over a CD that was $11.88 I bought it for the music and I must say the CD is excellent it’s bad enough how the idiot music executives in Nashville are treating our legends they can’t even get a record played on radio so however Dolly can sell her CD more power to her because nobody in the industry cares so quit griping send it back and shut up there’s plenty of Dolly fans out here that love her and will buy her CDs no matter what so keep your negative comments to yourself it pisses her true fans off.
I’m sorry, I get it. I get the blind fandom, but even when people we love do something that’s not right, they still need to be called out on it. It’s what keeps people in check. I may not be as big of a “fan” of Dolly as you are, but I am a fan, and so are the people who pre-ordered the supposedly signed cd’s that she faked. That’s what it is.
They didn’t say “hand” signed, but when you write signed, or autographed, that’s what it means, a hand signed cd booklet. I’m sorry if your “idol” has done something wrong, but she did. I’ll get over it, but it needs to be said. I’m sorry, but it was a shitty thing to do to your fans.
Whatever. Do you really think a woman with an empire THAT huge has time to sit and sign autographs? She ain’t got time for that shiite. She’s got places to be, music to make, audiences to sing for, Dollywood to run, and all her other businesses. Get over it. Big whoops.
Why can’t we all just get along? -Rodney King
dolly parton has been faking her autograph for years. i know for a fact,so happened many years ago i had a friend that landed a job at dollywood foundation. she’d send out 8 x 10 color signed photos of dolly. she is no longer there and she told me that all the stuff that comes out of dollywood isnt signed by dolly. she said you may luck up and get a real signed item ever so often. she said there was a staff employeed to do nothing but sign dolly items and it was called foundation signed. dolly has been scamming fans for years and years. actually liz taylor did it and countless others. its about getting our money to make them richer. dolly has always said she dosent need the money,yet she takes ours and from the poor. sad. but thats the way it is,as the ole saying goes,if you dont take the money someone else will.