My Day On Wisteria Lane And The Set Of Desperate Housewives Part 1! Marcia Cross! Eva Longoria! Felicity Huffman! Mark Moses!

It was just announced that the long running ABC series Desperate Housewives would end its run after the current season. Now, as any of you might have guessed from reading the site that Desperate Housewives is one of my favorite shows of all time. Starting from the beginning I have really loved every second of the series and now, while I’m sad it will be ending, eight seasons is a good run.

Earlier this year, I was given an incredible opportunity… A visit to Wisteria Lane and the set of Desperate Housewives. I was very excited to be able to do this, let me tell you! How did it happen you may ask? Sexual favors, pure and simple… I’m a whore and I’m not ashamed to say it… lol… Well, okay sexual favors and bribes… Anyway, it happened… lol…I was asked not to post anything until the season ended, and so I did agree to that… This is a very long and picturesque write up, so you might have to bear with me a little bit… So, here we go with my day on Wisteria Lane.

I barely slept last night, and I’m a tad groggy I do admit. Lol, I’m very stoked. Scott, Annette and I are heading out to the Universal Studios lot. I can’t even believe that this is happening really, nor do I know what the hell to expect.

We arrived at the main office and are waiting here to find out what’s actually going to happen. The Lovely Erica was supposed to join us, but scheduling didn’t work out… so… alas, she didn’t. Anyway, they have all the Desperate Housewives cast photos up in order from seasons 1 through 7. I tried to take a photo in front of the TV Guide poster they have up in the office but alas it’s blurry… Sigh…

mike the fanboy in the offices of Desperate housewives in front of the TV Guide cover!

We are now being shuttled to the set by the sweetest driver ever. We pass the western set where the current cast photo was taken. Only I would recognize it. lol… We are driving up the hill and pass the security check point. We parked and are now on Wisteria Lane. I need to really take this moment in. I mean, there are not many people who are able to say, they’ve been on Wisteria Lane… lol…

We walk over and meet up with Larry who will be showing us around. I’m really not processing conscious thought at this point. Larry invited us over and said that they are setting up a scene so “make yourself at home, go play in Gabby’s house… Just don’t steal anything.”

I thought to myself… “Go play… In… Gabby’s House…” Uhhhhhhhh Okay!

We all headed over to the Solis house which was also Jimmy Stewart’s house in Harvey. We tentatively went over… The crew is super nice, I think we were asked if we wanted anything or we all greeted several times over. We opened the door, and holy shit I am literally standing in the living room of the Solis’s. LOL… Immediately, I feel the need to take photos… I mean like… In every position and place I can… lol…
my day on the set of desperate housewives eva longoria's house the solis house rare set visit my day on the set of desperate housewives eva longoria's house the solis house rare set visit my day on the set of desperate housewives eva longoria's house the solis house rare set visit my day on the set of desperate housewives eva longoria's house the solis house rare set visit my day on the set of desperate housewives eva longoria's house the solis house rare set visit

I simply have to have a photo on Gabby’s couch…
my day on the set of desperate housewives eva longoria's house the solis house rare set visit my day on the set of desperate housewives eva longoria's house the solis house rare set visit

And on the stairs…

my day on the set of desperate housewives eva longoria's house the solis house rare set visitmy day on the set of desperate housewives eva longoria's house the solis house rare set visitmy day on the set of desperate housewives eva longoria's house the solis house rare set visitmy day on the set of desperate housewives eva longoria's house the solis house rare set visit

LOL… And of course we have to get a photo at the table…

my day on the set of desperate housewives eva longoria's house the solis house rare set visit

my day on the set of desperate housewives eva longoria's house the solis house rare set visitmy day on the set of desperate housewives eva longoria's house the solis house rare set visit

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The interesting thing is that so many of the houses on Wisteria Lane are actual working sets. I honestly just figured that they were shells, and all the interiors were done on soundstages… Well… I’m wrong… lol…

I am a tad amazed that the set isn’t larger, I figured that the set would have to be bigger but what the hell do I know… Ironically I believe that the Solis house was used in Psycho… but I’m not 100% sure.

After we left Gabby’s house we went out to the “lane” to hang out. We each had some of the official “Desperate Housewives” water, and yes I may have taken a couple bottles home… LOL…

We went over to the Mayfair house which is occupied by Ms. Dana Delany, or was occupied by Ms. Dana Delany… Dana has of course left the series to star is Body of Proof… Still I had to get a photo in front of the house, and I got a photo through the window….

katherine mayfair's house on wisteria lane dana delany rare desperate housewives set visit mike the fanboykatherine mayfair's house on wisteria lane dana delany rare desperate housewives set visit mike the fanboykatherine mayfair's house on wisteria lane dana delany rare desperate housewives set visit mike the fanboykatherine mayfair's house on wisteria lane dana delany rare desperate housewives set visit mike the fanboy

I’m like a kid in a candy shop right now…

It’s lunch time now… One of the crew asked me, “We’re having lunch in back of Edie’s house, do you know where that is?” Ummm yeah, I know where Edie’s house is! lol…

This was a great opportunity to walk all of Wisteria Lane and take it all in…

susan mayer's house on wisteria lane teri hatcher on the set of desperate housewivesmike the fanboy in front of teri hatcher's house on the set of desperate housewives wisteria lanethe scavo house on the set of desperate housewives on wisteria lane felicity huffman doug savantMrs. Mcclusky's house on the set of wisteria lane desperate housewives rare promo

Lunch was amazing, prime rib, a selection of pasta’s, drinks… dear Lord, I have gained seventeen pounds it’s official!

We are now going to check out Nicolette Sheridan’s former house which is now occupied by Vanessa Williams…

Nicolette Sheridan Edie's house on wisteria lane vanessa williams house rare desperate housewives set visitNicolette Sheridan Edie's house on wisteria lane vanessa williams house rare desperate housewives set visitNicolette Sheridan Edie's house on wisteria lane vanessa williams house rare desperate housewives set visit

The decor is very different that what Edie would have had, and since they are not shooting in here today there are sheets covering up pretty much everything… But it’s still rather cool to be here.

Nicolette Sheridan Edie's house on wisteria lane vanessa williams house rare desperate housewives set visitNicolette Sheridan Edie's house on wisteria lane vanessa williams house rare desperate housewives set visitNicolette Sheridan Edie's house on wisteria lane vanessa williams house rare desperate housewives set visitNicolette Sheridan Edie's house on wisteria lane vanessa williams house rare desperate housewives set visit

I’m resisting the urge to steal something… lol… I really am…

Nicolette Sheridan Edie's house on wisteria lane vanessa williams house rare desperate housewives set visitNicolette Sheridan Edie's house on wisteria lane vanessa williams house rare desperate housewives set visitNicolette Sheridan Edie's house on wisteria lane vanessa williams house rare desperate housewives set visitNicolette Sheridan Edie's house on wisteria lane vanessa williams house rare desperate housewives set visitNicolette Sheridan Edie's house on wisteria lane vanessa williams house rare desperate housewives set visitNicolette Sheridan Edie's house on wisteria lane vanessa williams house rare desperate housewives set visitThe view from the end of wisteria lane down to the end of the street desperate housewives set visit rare The view from the end of wisteria lane down to the end of the street desperate housewives set visit rare The view from the end of wisteria lane down to the end of the street desperate housewives set visit rare The view from the end of wisteria lane down to the end of the street desperate housewives set visit rare The view from the end of wisteria lane down to the end of the street desperate housewives set visit rare

Next up on our journey is the Scavo house. Now this house is pretty cool since they actually have a yard on the side with the treehouse! I have to see the treehouse…

tom and lynette scavo house on wisteria lane treehouse set visit desperate housewives felicity huffman doug savant rare tom and lynette scavo house on wisteria lane treehouse set visit desperate housewives felicity huffman doug savant rare tom and lynette scavo house on wisteria lane treehouse set visit desperate housewives felicity huffman doug savant raretom and lynette scavo house on wisteria lane treehouse set visit desperate housewives felicity huffman doug savant rare

It’s the details that make life special, lol…

The entire garage is made up and I have to get some photos inside it, and the tree house as well…

tom and lynette scavo house on wisteria lane treehouse set visit desperate housewives felicity huffman doug savant rare garagetom and lynette scavo house on wisteria lane treehouse set visit desperate housewives felicity huffman doug savant rare garagetom and lynette scavo house on wisteria lane treehouse set visit desperate housewives felicity huffman doug savant rare garagetom and lynette scavo house on wisteria lane treehouse set visit desperate housewives felicity huffman doug savant rare garagetom and lynette scavo house on wisteria lane treehouse set visit desperate housewives felicity huffman doug savant rare garage

The Scavo house does not have any interiors, so it is just a shell and all of the interiors are done on soundstages…

tom and lynette scavo house on wisteria lane treehouse set visit desperate housewives felicity huffman doug savant rare garagetom and lynette scavo house on wisteria lane treehouse set visit desperate housewives felicity huffman doug savant rare garagetom and lynette scavo house on wisteria lane treehouse set visit desperate housewives felicity huffman doug savant rare garagetom and lynette scavo house on wisteria lane treehouse set visit desperate housewives felicity huffman doug savant rare garage

They are just about to start filming some scenes so we are heading back to the production. This scene is with Mark Moses and Felicity Huffman. (I later figured out that this episode was the mid season finale with the riot) They are taking a break from filming and Mark comes over to us to hang out… We are able to get a photo with Mark and he is super kind. We actually discussed the differences in filming a show like Mad Men and Desperate Housewives… Mark was extremely kind and really took time to literally hang with us. I also had Mark Moses sign my Desperate Housewives poster that I have been working on for the past like five years… lol…

mike the fanboy with mark moses on the set of desperate housewives taking a quick fan photo autographsmy desperate housewives cast signed autograph poster with 30 signatures marcia cross felicity huffman nicolette sheridan eva longoria teri hatcher rare promo

We watched them film the current scene and were able to also meet Katherine Joosten who plays Ms. McClusky. She is again so nice.. I can’t even begin to describe how sweet and wonderful this crew and cast are… Katherine takes a photo with Scott and I and also one with Annette…

katherine joosten with mike the fanboy and scott on the set of desperate housewives moore katherine joosten with mike the fanboy and scott on the set of desperate housewives moore

We then steal away and do a bit more exploring… I walk around the corner of Marcia Cross I mean Bree’s garage and head into the kitchen. You can clearly tell that they have not used this set much lately, but the cool thing is that all the props and stuff are all still here.. I mean it’s really perfectly set up.

marcia cross Bree's kitchen set on wisteria lane on the set of desperate housewives rare set visit promomarcia cross Bree's kitchen set on wisteria lane on the set of desperate housewives rare set visit promo

I couldn’t resist getting some photos with Bree’s cooking utensils… lol… Okay go ahead… call me a dork. I deserve it!

marcia cross Bree's kitchen set on wisteria lane on the set of desperate housewives rare set visit promo

We are back now, and there is Ms. Felicity Huffman hanging out with Scott… Like literally just chilling… Felicity is super kind and is more than happy to sign some stuff for us and take some photos…

felicity huffman signing autographs on wisteria lane on the set of desperate housewives for mike the fanboyfelicity huffman signing autographs on wisteria lane on the set of desperate housewives for mike the fanboyfelicity huffman signing autographs on wisteria lane on the set of desperate housewives for mike the fanboyfelicity huffman signing autographs on wisteria lane on the set of desperate housewives for mike the fanboy

As Felicity is signing, out comes Eva Longoria… She literally comes right over to us and says hi, and greets us like we are old friends… I’m about to pass out… I mean like… this is such a sureal moment… I wish I could put it in words…

eva longoria signing autographs on wisteria lane on the set of desperate housewives for mike the fanboy

I brought a couple season 1 posters with me with a matching red paint pen, Annette and Scott are getting some stuff signed for me as well. So, I have the season 2 apple shot, The season 4 fire shot for Erica and another season 1 poster for my sister. I also have the current cast photo as well… Okay, so I was reaching a tad bit. lol…

Felicity Huffman is more than happy to sign and personalize everything, she even signs my sister’s poster, “To Becka come visit us on Wisteria Lane…” I’m jealous… lol…

Eva Longoria is simply adorable as well… She is happy to sign and is chatty and just talking to us like we are old friends… Damn…

eva longoria signing autographs on wisteria lane on the set of desperate housewives for mike the fanboy fan photo

We are taking a photo with Eva now, and then switching to Felicity. Eva Longoria grabs he camera and says, “Here, let me take it.” In my head, I was like, God please let someone be taking a photo of Eva Longoria taking a photo with me and Felicity Huffman… Alas.. That didn’t happen… lol…

felicity huffman signing autographs on wisteria lane on the set of desperate housewives for mike the fanboy fan photo

Oh dear God, there’s Marcia Cross… Now, I have tried to meet Ms. Marcia Cross for years… YEARS! In fact the only reason I was able to get Marcia Cross to sign my original poster was cause Erica was able to do it while I was out of town…

marcia cross signing autographs on wisteria lane on the set of desperate housewives for mike the fanboy fan photomarcia cross signing autographs on wisteria lane on the set of desperate housewives for mike the fanboy fan photomarcia cross signing autographs on wisteria lane on the set of desperate housewives for mike the fanboy fan photomarcia cross signing autographs on wisteria lane on the set of desperate housewives for mike the fanboy fan photomarcia cross signing autographs on wisteria lane on the set of desperate housewives for mike the fanboy fan photo

Anyway, she comes right over to us and greets us… I mean she literally couldn’t have been nicer… It’s amazing… She signs for us and talks with us… It’s crazy…

Then we are going to get a photo and Marcia says, “Oh no, we can’t take it here, the sun is too bright” and she moves us over to the side so we can get a nice photo.

marcia cross signing autographs on wisteria lane on the set of desperate housewives for mike the fanboy fan photo

Then I tell Marcia how she’s my favorite housewife and we chat for a second. I told her how I’ve watched since season 1 and how I love the fact that the show has such a high level of quality… her response…”Even season 2?” lol… I said, “No, I liked season 2 and even though the main mystery might not have been all that, there was still so much that was interesting going on with the characters, that made it really good.”

I probably babbled a lot, but in my head, I made sense and was intelligent and coherent… lol… Then I noticed that Marcia was getting the high sign that she had to go, so I thanked her for her time and this is literally the cherry on my day, even though it’s still early… Marcia Cross says, “Well, let me just give you a hug…” And I think this is where I lost conscious thought… I got a hug from Ms. Marcia Cross…


I think I lost about oh… an hour of my life there… Ah, good times… Ms. Teri Hatcher comes over and also signs for us, she doesn’t do any photos, but is kind enough to sign what we have very quickly…

desperate housewives cast signed autograph promo poster teri hatcher vanessa williams marcia cross felicity huffman eva longoriadesperate housewives cast signed autograph promo poster teri hatcher vanessa williams marcia cross felicity huffman eva longoriadesperate housewives cast signed autograph promo poster teri hatcher vanessa williams marcia cross felicity huffman eva longoria

I did manage to get some photos at Bree’s house. There are no interior sets here, which was such a bummer. In fact the crew bathrooms are actually in Bree’s house which personally I just quite can’t fathom… lol…

mike the fanboy on the set of desperate housewives on wisteria lane in a director's chairon the set of desperate housewives on wisteria lane at bree marcia crosses houseon the set of desperate housewives on wisteria lane at bree marcia crosses houseon the set of desperate housewives on wisteria lane at bree marcia crosses houseon the set of desperate housewives on wisteria lane at bree marcia crosses houseon the set of desperate housewives on wisteria lane at bree marcia crosses houseon the set of desperate housewives on wisteria lane at bree marcia crosses houseon the set of desperate housewives on wisteria lane at bree marcia crosses house

We head out to do some exploring again… This time I wanted to check out the Mayfair house… The cool thing is, we are allowed to pretty much go where ever we want to… They really don’t care… lol… In fact the crew is very excited that we are such huge fans of the show.

on the set of desperate housewives on wisteria lane at the mayfair house dana delany's home on the set of desperate housewives on wisteria lane at the mayfair house dana delany's home

The Mayfair house was also Walter’s house in The Burb’s. The super cool thing about this house is that it’s almost a fully working set… It has the free floating staircase in the center and is practically set up for shooting (minus a small layer of dust, lol). I of course must snap a photo in every concivable place I can… This is Dana Delany’s house after all! lol…

on the set of desperate housewives on wisteria lane at the mayfair house dana delany's home on the set of desperate housewives on wisteria lane at the mayfair house dana delany's home

All of the props are still in place which is kind of interesting considering they haven’t used this location all season long…

Anyway, next on my list of houses to visit is Ms. McCluskey’s house. This is a new house on the lane as most of the houses here are classic and have been around for ages…. This is a new house built after the tornado episode.

on the set of desperate housewives on wisteria lane at ms mcclusky's house

We are able to tour the house, and take some photos inside.

on the set of desperate housewives on wisteria lane at ms mcclusky's houseon the set of desperate housewives on wisteria lane at ms mcclusky's house

Next up is one of the most iconic houses, at least to me Teri Hatcher’s house. The entire bottom level is a working interior but the top level is just scafolding… the upper level interiors are done on soundstages.

on the set of desperate housewives on wisteria lane at teri hatcher's house susan mayeron the set of desperate housewives on wisteria lane at teri hatcher's house susan mayeron the set of desperate housewives on wisteria lane at teri hatcher's house susan mayer

I can’t resist taking photos in the kitchen and in the garage… lol… It’s Mike Delfino’s garage for God sakes…

on the set of desperate housewives on wisteria lane at teri hatcher's house susan mayeron the set of desperate housewives on wisteria lane at teri hatcher's house susan mayeron the set of desperate housewives on wisteria lane at teri hatcher's house susan mayer

Next up I just had to go into Bob and Lee’s house… now, I know that this might not be the most exciting house on the block however this is actually the Munster house! It’s been redone of course, lol… but it’s the one and only.

bob and lee's house aka the munster house on wisteria lane the set of desperate housewives

The interiors are all very non Munster like but it’s still quite definetly the Munster house!

bob and lee's house aka the munster house on wisteria lane the set of desperate housewivesbob and lee's house aka the munster house on wisteria lane the set of desperate housewivesbob and lee's house aka the munster house on wisteria lane the set of desperate housewivesbob and lee's house aka the munster house on wisteria lane the set of desperate housewives

As this part of our day is coming to a close, I had to grab a few shots in front of Gabby’s house cause I remembered I didn’t get one earlier.

in front of gabby solis house  on wisteria lane the set of desperate housewives set visit rare in front of gabby solis house  on wisteria lane the set of desperate housewives set visit rare

We are now moving to the soundstages for the second part of our visit… So make sure and come back for part 2 of the Desperate Housewives set visit!

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  1. Dallas August 9, 2011
  2. Scott August 10, 2011
  3. Katie August 12, 2011
  4. mike August 12, 2011
  5. Julio August 27, 2011