Manic Monday! Pinky Shoots and Finally Gets To Meet 007 Himself Pierce Brosnan! Selfie Goodness!
Hello, my lovelies. Pinky Lovejoy-Coogan here thrilled to have finally been able to get a picture with Remington Steele (or 007, whichever you prefer) himself, Pierce Brosnan! Friends, you don’t even know how many times I’ve tried unsuccessfully to get a picture with Pierce over the years.
In fact, it had been so long, that I’d basically given up hope! Recently I’d begun hearing rumors that he’d started taking a few pictures, so I was hoping that he’d continue this new habit for a bit.
Thankfully, I was able to get a picture with him at a play opening last week, but I was incredibly lucky! Not many people had the same luck – I guess it was just my night! While I enjoyed his work in both Remington Steele and as James Bond, it’s his work as a centaur which always brought a smile to my face. How could you not laugh at that? Too funny!
For additional pink fodder, please visit or follow me on Instagram @pinkylovejoycoogan and Twitter @pinkylovejoy. As always, have a pink day!
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