Pretty In Pink And Designing Women Star Ms. Annie Potts Makes A Couple Fans Day! Autographs! Pictures! And…. Quoting?
The lovely Pinky from wait for it… Pretty In Pinky and I are out and about… This time for none other than famed character actress Ms. Annie Potts. Now, I’m sure most of you are like… “Oh, Designing Women!” And yes, that’s true… However Pinky and I are fans for a whole other reason… Pretty In Pink! We are such fans of that movie! So, since Ms. Annie Potts is doing a play this month on Melrose, Pinky and I decided to head over there with Pinky’s fame-whore puppy Sammy in tow. Sammy is the one who got Hilary Swank to hang with us for a few minutes while waiting for Cameron Crowe!
3:31 p.m. – We just arrived on the cold, cruel streets of Melrose. The smell of vintage T-shirts was Permeating my nostrils… I’m in a very melodramatic mood… Sorry… lol… It’s the sickness I tell ya!
3:35 p.m. – We are just chilling in the back waiting for Ms. Annie Potts. I have my Pretty In Pink mini poster, and a rare original counter standee from the video release. I love having random stuff… Especially stuff that’s really cool like that. Pinky has her camera, and Sammy has his water bowl… we are set!
3:45 p.m. – Oh, I hear applause; I think that the show is over!
3:47 p.m. – A strange women in a pick up truck is just sitting in the back… I mean no parking space, just sitting there with the engine on… It’s like she’s ready to throw Ms. Annie Potts in the back and make a break for it.
3:53 p.m. – Oh! There she is! We see her… The door has opened. We start walking over and I say, “Excuse me Ms. Potts.” and then Annie ducks inside and closes the door… Oh no! It’s a Molly Ringwald moment… (every bad encounter now is a Molly Ringwald moment).
3:56 p.m. – Now we are debating about just leaving, going to the front, or running away sad…
4:02 p.m. – Oh, there she is! Ms. Annie Potts is leaving again… We head over and Annie is as nice as could be! She talks to us for a hot second, and then says hi to Sammy. Pinky is relaying her love of Pretty In Pink, and then says, “I can quote this movie back and forth, but I’m not going to quote yourself to you, that would be ridiculous…” Then Annie Potts says, “You probably know it better than I do!”
So, Pinky goes ahead and quotes her anyway! “I have this girlfriend that didn’t go to prom and every once in a while she gets this really terrible feeling, you know, like something’s missing. She checks her purse….” And then Pinky trails off realizing that she’s doing the very thing she just said was ridiculous… lol… Ah, good times…
4:04 p.m. – We both got photos with Annie Potts and she signed for us, and was super sweet. Our first successful Pretty In Pinker! Whoo Hoo!
Until next time kids!