Pretty In Pinky! Meeting Jack and Jill Star Adam Sandler and Finally Get Her Photos With The Cast of Grown Ups! Chris Rock! David Spade! Rob Schneider! and More!
Oh Adam Sandler how you plague me! First of all, Adam Sandler like Tom Cruise I’m convinced, he hates me. If I go to an event, such as the God awful Jack and Jill premiere he doesn’t sign for anyone. But when I don’t go, such as Adam Sandler’s Star Ceremony he signs. Kills me…
The jubilant Ms. Pinky had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Adam Sandler just today in fact. Crazy times!
Check out her full report after the jump!
Hello, my lovelies. Pinky Lovejoy here bursting – bursting, I say – with excitement over FINALLY getting a picture with Adam Sandler!!! I know, I know, Adam doesn’t always have a great track record here on MTF, but I’m still a big fan. Always have been – since his early days on SNL – and it’ll take more than one bad premiere and a diss at a talk show to make me love him less.
Yes, that’s right. Last year Adam dissed everyone at a talk show where I’d even made signs – SIGNS!!! – for Chris Rock, David Spade, and Adam Sandler. They were clever, too (Chris Rock ROCKS, for example)
and then we saw that Rob Schneider was there, as well! My SNL loving head almost exploded!!! At that time I’d never met any of them and now I’m happy to say that I have pictures with ALL FIVE OF THEM.
Could I be more excited? I think not. Plus, I’ve got my other SNL faves –
Kevin Nealon
Jon Lovitz
Norm MacDonald
David Spade
The only ones left to complete my SNL Dream Team are Dana Carvey, Mike Myers, and Dennis Miller (do you hear that Universe?? Please bring them to me….).
So, where did this momentous event take place? Downtown Hollywood during the star ceremony for Jennifer Aniston. CB sent me a text earlier in the day saying Adam was on the list and I was thrilled. Finally I was going to get a chance to tell him how my family always listened to the “Turkey Song” on Thanksgiving and how I have “Forgetful Lucy” on my iPod to this day, and how much he makes me laugh – and I love how he puts his friends and family in all his movies (seriously, it’s like “Where’s Waldo” trying to find his wife in all his films. I think it’s sweet and fun). Heck, I was prepared to fall to my knees if necessary (not that this has ever been necessary, but I’m just trying to let you know how serious I was about getting this photo). Of course, I barely squeaked out, “May I get a picture with you?” or some version of that, let alone the rest of my speech, but that’s OK. Sadly I had to take two pictures because I look insane in the first one (no, you can’t see it, sorry). Yes, I realize he’s wearing his glasses and isn’t smiling, but I’ll take it. I’ve wanted the picture for far too long and much too much to be concerned with trivial details now. Happy Adam Sandler Day to me! J
For additional pink fodder, please check out As always, have a pink day!