Pretty In Pinky! My Embarrassment Mortification & Trauma! AKA Meeting Jane Kaczmarek! And Coining The Phrase Kaczmareking Out! Sigh…
Sigh, I knew that this was coming… I knew it. My pain is out there for the world to share in. That’s one benefit and curse of having a website. LOL…
Generally speaking, I’m really good with names, faces, in fact I can recount an actors entire filmography better than IMDB.
Well… I’ve been a little out of sorts lately. Like, really out of sorts. So, my Fanboy skills are out of whack. LOL…
I’m going to let the Pinkster recount my embarrassment… Mortification… and Trauma. LOL…
Laugh with me people… Laugh with me!
Hello, my lovelies. Pinky Lovejoy here wishing that each and every one of you had been with me and Mikey the other day when he embarrassed himself to no end. It was SO funny that I laugh every time I think about it. Here’s the thing – we all know and love Mikey, so sharing this story is only out of my fierce and loyal love for him.
I mean, the reason it’s so hilarious is that it was so NOT Mikey’s style – he’s usually very prepared when he goes out to events. He knows who he’s looking for (even the rare and hard to find ones) and he comes prepared with a huge stack of random, hard-to-find collectibles. This time was no exception – he had a rare “Don’t Tell Mom The Babysitter’s Dead” stand-up to be signed by Jayne Brook who, apparently was in the movie.
Remember, I didn’t see the movie, nor did I take the time to look up Jayne Brook, so I didn’t realize there’d be any confusion.
Wait. I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s start from the beginning. When we found out Didi Conn (who played “Frenchy” on “Grease”) was going to be in a play, we wanted to go ASAP as Mikey has a slew of Grease and Grease 2 stuff to get signed. I loved “Grease” growing up, so I was super excited to meet her, as well.
When I was looking up showtimes and dates for the performances, I noticed that Jane Kaczmarek (the mom from “Malcom in the Middle”) was also in a play at the same theater (just a different play) that ran during the same time. Score! I’ve long wanted to meet her, so I was looking forward to the opportunity to possibly meet both Didi and Jane while we were there.
You’ve most likely already read Mikey’s recap of the night and how we were standing on the wrong side for Didi’s play (since it’s a confusing theater with multiple shows running at the same time). Now, I’d mentioned my desire to meet Jane Kaczmarek to Mikey earlier in the week, but he must have forgotten there were two different Janes. I knew he wanted to meet Jayne Brook and had stuff for her to sign, but I didn’t think he had anything for Jane Kaczmarek to sign.
As a little background for you, here’s a picture of Jayne Brook.
Here’s a picture of Jane Kaczmarek.
Yes, they’re both brunettes, but that’s about where the similarities end.
(Editor’s Note: But it was dark!!! M-)
So, while we kept thinking we were in the wrong spot (since we were), on the plus side, we did get to see Jane Kaczmarek leaving the theater. As she passed by, I asked her for a photo and she couldn’t have been nicer. She was a dream. In fact, she complimented my shoes and we chatted for a bit. I loved her and thoroughly enjoyed meeting her. So, I was a bit surprised when Mikey pulled out his stuff for her to sign. As she’s super nice, she took the pen and got ready to sign, but realized it was a film she wasn’t in, so she stopped. She handed him back the pen and said, “I’m sorry, I wasn’t in this.”
THIS IS WHERE IT GETS HYSTERICAL. Instead of just cutting his losses and saying, “Oops, my bad,” Mikey pressed on and pulled out the stand-up collectible and said, “Yeah, it’s from ‘Don’t Tell Mom The Babysitter’s Dead'” (as though she hadn’t realized that before). He was so certain that she was Jayne Brook that I felt kinda bad (OK, not THAT bad because I was laughing too hard) having to say, “It’s Jane Kaczmarek, Mikey, not Jayne Brook.” Bless his heart. Luckily Jane Kaczmarek seemed fine with it all, but Mikey, of course, felt like a big ol’ idiot.
But, come on – it’s happened to the best of us. I “pull a Pinky” all the time (why do you think that term even exists???). I still think it’s funny. We never did see Jane Brook. 🙁
Mikey, we love you. Even with your foot in your mouth!
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I love this story!
Gee… Thanks Scotty!