Runner Runner Movie Premiere Report! Rachel Meets Ben Affleck & Justin Timberlake! Autographs! Kisses! Las Vegas Insanity!
The Runner, Runner movie premiere was held in Las Vegas and both Ben Affleck and Justin Timberlake were there.
Apparently it was tad crazy as MTF reader Rachel was on the scene and got a bunch of photos. I don’t know why they didn’t have something here in Los Angeles? Grumble…
Still, it seems like Rachel had a great time, check out her recap below!
Hi Mike,
I was at the Runner, Runner movie premiere which was in Las Vegas and I wanted to share.
It was nuts, can I just say.. Wow… I don’t know how you guys do it over and over again. I want to sleep for a week.
Justin Timberlake and Ben Affleck were there. Someone kept yelling out, “Batman!’ at Ben. I don’t think he was happy about it.
Both Justin and Ben signed for fans but I saw Ben’s autograph and it looked like scribble. I don’t even think he looked where he was signing. He looked scared of the crowd.
Justin was a little more relaxed but he needed to get more sleep. Poor boy looked exhausted. He at least payed attention to what he signed.
I didn’t care really, I like the photos. Being that close to Justin was a little overwhelming. Oh, and some girl grabbed Ben and like forced him into giving her a kiss! Jennifer Garner must have loved that!
Check out all Rachel’s Photos Below!
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Great photos! I’m surprised security didn’t freak when the girl grabbed Ben.
Mike – Do all premieres have to be in LA? Really…tsk! There’s life outside LA!
Every premiere should be in LA! LOL…
I’m sorry..but both of these guys are so lucky to have a career…