Throwback Thurs! Meeting Deadpool Star Morena Baccarin! Along With Michael C. Hall! Showtime! Elijah Wood! Jason Isaacs! And More!
Throwback Thurs!
With Deadpool coming out on Blu-ray next week I thought it would be fun to look back at meeting one of the stars Ms. Morena Baccarin! It was SDCC back in 2011 and the day itself was madness! But I ended up meeting Morena Baccarin and Michael C. Hall at the Showtime party which was pretty cool I have to say.
Check it out below!
Oh dear… Sigh… So, the first official day of Comic Con and I need to apologize already for not being more on the ball with these updates… I can officially say, Comic Con has kicked my ass! Yep, Comic Con 2011 has kicked Mike The Fanboy’s ass… It’s all true… There is a whole issue with registration for next years Comic Con… yep, 2012… So, The Lovely Erica, The Novel Strumpet, and I with Erica’s sisters in tow decided to forgo the morning and try and get out badge issue taken care of. Oh… LORD!
7:33 a.m. – So, The Strumpet and I are here… and it’s madness… I Mean MADNESS! There are people lined up everywhere, around the marina through the Hilton, I mean like… Holy Hell!
7:39 a.m. – We spot Erica and her sisters and jump in line with them. Apparently, people camped out last night to secure their spot in line. It’s geek panic ladies and gentleman… Geek Panic! The Geeks have gone wild!
7:47 a.m. – The line opens at 8:00 a.m. and closes are 11:00 a.m. They are only selling a limited number of badges on site and an especially limited amount of preview night badges… This is why everyone has been thrown into a tizzy.
8:01 a.m. – We are moving! Whoo Hoo! Maybe we can get out of here shortly…
8:22 a.m. – Wow… Scratch that… We have now moved into a giant ballroom and have been set into pens… Really… Is it that hard? I mean last year preregistering took three seconds… and there wasn’t a line… Cause mass panic… And this is what you get…
8:56 a.m. – Erica and her sister Linda just took off to wait in the drawing for Game of Thrones… you can buy two badges each so at least their morning won’t be wasted. like ours… lol…
9:43 a.m. – I think I dozed off… Shweepy. I broke down and bought a two dollar can of Coke… Grrr… The Strumpet got some coffee… This is going to be a long long wait…
9:54 a.m. – There was an announcement that the line is capped, and only the people in our room will be able to buy their badges… There is a loud cheer… I’m thinking… Why… Is… This… So… Horrible! Sigh…
10:11 a.m. – We are about three rows away now… People are starting to panic because it looks like the preview night tickets are almost sold out. People behind us in line are bribing us not to buy the four day pass with preview night so they can. One kid is literally freaking out… I mean he’s almost crying…
10:34 a.m. – I feel sad for humanity! Oh… We are moving!
10:41 a.m. – We are up and buying our badges and all is well because we got preview night tickets… Good Lord, I have to really start to rethink this whole thing… I mean Comic Con 2011 is so much work…
10:54 a.m. – We are heading over to the convention now… We missed all the drawings so no autograph tickets for me… It’s all standby… Grrrrr….
11:03 a.m. – I headed right over to the Fox booth cause they are doing a signing for Napoleon Dynamite. The whole original cast is there from the movie and now they are doing an animated series…
11:09 a.m. – I just ran into my friend and he had an extra ticket! Whoo Hoo! That’s pretty cool…
11:19 a.m. – So, I didn’t miss everything today. The Fox Booth is swarmed though…
11:21 a.m. – The line is moving… The Fox Booth is pretty organized this year, at least so far. This signing started at 11:15 a.m. and seems to be moving pretty fast.
11:45 a.m. – I forgot that Tina Majorino from Veronica Mars is in this movie/series! I love her!
12:01 p.m. – Okay, I’m up in line… It’s pretty cool that the whole cast is here… Everyone is super nice and friendly! Wow…
12:04 p.m. – I told Tina how much I loved her in Big Love and Veronica Mars! She was so nice, and so was Jon Heder, even though he kept asking people if they knew who the people in the cast were… It was so random…
12:11 p.m. – Okay, now, I’m running around on the floor… I also got a ticket for the Awake cast signing at Fox. That’s a new show coming out later this year.
12:34 p.m. – I’m headed up to try and get into the Ringer Panel which is in Ballroom 20.
12:39 p.m. – Holy crap, it wraps around the building, down the stairs and almost to the marina! Good Lord!
1:08 p.m. – I’m realizing waiting all this time is going to be futile… there is no way I’m getting in…
1:34 p.m. – I just saw a sign that says I’m at the 2000 mark… which means there are 2000 people ahead of me trying to get in… Oh forget it!
1:39 p.m. – Now, I’m trying to get out. And apparently even though there are doors everywhere I can’t use them. Wonderful… Oh there’s Erica! She is closer up in line… I hope she gets in!
1:49 p.m. – Instead I’m taking a break and met up with Daria. She’s waiting for Ms. Sarah Michelle Gellar… I’m taking a breather… Even though I am wearing my Welcome To Sunnydale shirt… It’s my new Comic Con fun shirt for this year.
1:59 p.m. – I’m resting and then headed down to the Wilfred signing… It’s Elijah Wood from Lord Of The Rings, and I’m going to try and do standby.
2:22 p.m. – Getting up so early wore me out man…
2:31 p.m. – I just did a lap at the Warner Bros booth to get some free crap… Nothing too exciting… The swag just isn’t that cool this year… ah well…
2:43 p.m. – I just picked up a Legendary pictures thermos like cup. It’s pretty cool…
2:49 p.m. – Erica just texted me that Marvel is giving away special posters for Iron Man so off I go.
2:57 p.m. – I managed to snag one… yay!
3:09 p.m. – Headed over to try my luck at Wilfred now… It’s a show I keep meaning to check out, but haven’t had the chance.
3:11 p.m. – I see my friend in line and say hi. He says he has an extra ticket… dude, score! So, I’m in line for Wilfred! I’m not a standbyer!
3:16 p.m. – I just made up that word standbyer! lol…
3:22 p.m. – I do need to get some food… last year I didn’t eat enough and ended up getting sick… this year I have to make sure and eat correctly.
3:45 p.m. – So, we are almost up to the front of the line now… These signings are moving way faster than I thought, so that’s good…. They just said no personal items… Well, I forgot to bring my Lord Of The Rings mini poster anyway… damn!
4:01 p.m. – There’s Elijah Wood! God, he’s so small… lol… I mean not hobbit small, but still he’s a small dude…
4:08 p.m. – Everyone is very nice and Elijah Wood does a very good job of making eye contact and saying hello to everyone. I always think that’s impressive!
4:15 p.m. – Okay, I’m out of that signing and running to grab a Coke Zero… the lunch of champions…
4:16 p.m. – Ahhhhhhhh…
4:19 p.m. – I’m running over to the CBS booth to try and get into their Ringer signing… It’s not Sarah Michelle Gellar… Yeah right… It’s only Nestor Carbonell but still I really want the poster! lol…
4:22 p.m. – The signing goes to 5:00 p.m. and there is no one at the end of the line… And we’re waiting and the people at CBS are being such jerks… I mean literally they are like, get out of line, you are not in line, and I’m looking at the screen going… there’s 25 minutes left… and three of us asking…
4:24 p.m. – The CBS rep says, you have to have a ticket and they are all gone… So, even though there are like 36 minutes left for this dude to sign the three of us wanting to get in are turned away. And the workers make like a wall in front of the signing line. Like I’m going to rush the booth for Nestor Carbonell… Good Lord…
4:26 p.m. – The Summit Entertainment booth is right next to us so I’m going to grab some swag there… Still ticked about the way CBS was… damn…
4:31 p.m. – Headed over to the Awake signing… Wow, I just realized, I’m starting to get a little funky… Ugh… And my energy is so low…
4:42 p.m. – Jason Isaacs is the star of Awake… I’ve decided this year that I’m really going to focus on new shows as opposed to trying to get into the True Blood signing or anything like that. You can only do so much…
5:01 p.m. – Oh, there’s Jason Isaacs also known as Lucious Malfoy from Harry Potter. He’s starting to sign his life away…
5:11 p.m. – I don’t understand why at signings they give the actors the worst silver pens… sigh…
5:17 p.m. – Jason is talking to everyone as they come though… He’s such a nice guy…
5:34 p.m. – Oh, we’re heading over now… It’s just Jason no producers or other cast members…
5:39 p.m. – Okay, Jason was very cordial and tried to make sure and address everyone as they came through…
6:01 p.m. – I’m running around doing a bit of last minute swag scouting…
6:12 p.m. – Ohhh there’s the Back To The Future Delorian… Dude, what a great find! lol…
6:23 p.m. – Just met up with Erica and her sisters…
6:32 p.m. – We are going to check out the off site Final Destination 5 game area and then head over to the Showtime Party.
6:33 p.m. – The fine folks at Showtime invited the three of us to their party this year, so that’s pretty exciting! I’m stoked!
6:42 p.m. – The Final Destination game area is pretty cool. There’s like a go cart game and best of all… Free Food!
7:02 p.m. – Dude, this was a long line for a hot dog… but it’s a damn good hot dog! They also have tacos, and free drinks! Whoo Hoo!
7:31 p.m. – Okay, we are heading out to meet up with The Novel Strumpet to stalk Michael C. Hall… I mean go to the Showtime party…
7:45 p.m. – We spot The Novel Strumpet in front of the Hard Rock and are going to make our way over to the Showtime Party… After I try to snag a new shirt from Erica’s sister Linda…
8:02 p.m. – Up in Erica’s room, Linda throws me a Covert Affairs shirt… Sadly, I’m a giant and it will not fit… dammit! Ah well… What can you do right? I’m dropping my swag bag off at Erica’s and will get it later. She gave me a smaller bag so I can bring my Dexter stuff with me… heh heh heh…
8:15 p.m. – We’re almost at the party… It’s so funny; it’s hidden on the middle floor, up an escalator, down the hall, over the side… man oh man…
8:22 p.m. – Ohhh I see swag bags! I’m already drooling…
8:27 p.m. – Such a nice party… Very low key… Annette is here and we’re chatting for a few minutes… She has to go… sadness….
8:33 p.m. – I see Michael C. Hall and Oh, there’s Morena Baccarin from Homeland the new Showtime series but She’ll always be Inara from Firefly to me!
8:34 p.m. – Damn Morena Baccarin looks beautiful!
8:44 p.m. – We are just milling about and enjoying the Blood margaritas at the bar… I don’t really drink much but I have to try anything with the Dexter name on it.
8:53 p.m. – Okay, I think I’m drunk. Cause I keep telling everyone how much I love them and I’m eating cheese! I love cheese… Especially when I’m drunk… Why is that? Mmmmm cheese….
9:03 p.m. – I also see C.S. Lee and David Zayas… Yep, oh there’s James Remar…
9:14 p.m. – Such a fun party, and a low key crowd… We are getting our photo taken on the Showtime official red carpet. Dude, I’m getting dizzy… I had a blood margarita, a blood martini, and something else red… the bartender said everything had to be red tonight…
9:22 p.m. – Okay, we are heading out… I want to go downstairs to see if I can get a couple Dexter things signed and don’t want to do it in the party…
9:23 p.m. – Dude, the swag bag includes a Dexter season 5 DVD set and a Dexter Figure! Sweet!
9:46 p.m. – We are waiting out front and Oh… There’s C.S. Lee leaving… He’s super nice and happy to sign a couple things and I get a photo with him as well.
9:56 p.m. – We are chilling… Just waiting… The Novel Strumpet is like, “You guys have so much patience!” lol…
10:03 p.m. – David Zayas is leaving… He’s a tad… tipsy… lol… He is super cool though and signs a photo for me as well… I’m trying to get a cast photo done for my sister. She loves Dexter and it’s her Christmas present. Shhhhh don’t tell…
10:05 p.m. – Oh, there’s Morena Baccarin! She is so sweet.
I have her sign my Serenity poster and get a photo with her.
10:23 p.m. – Still hanging out, but I think I might be calling it. Erica went to another party, and I’m about dead… and it’s the first day of Comic Con! Doh!
10:34 p.m. – Oh shit! It’s Michael C. Hall and he’s leaving! I grab the Novel Strumpet to help and get my sisters cast photo out… We wait for him to leave…
10:35 p.m. – Michael comes out and I ask him if he would mind signing a photo. I ask him to personalize it to Becka, and he’s like sure… Then the Novel Strumpet gets him to sign one… He’s not super chatty like he usually is, but still quite friendly. I thank him and we head off… Dude such a great ending for the day!
I’m like ready to collapse… but it’s all worth it right? Right? lol… And I still have to get up at like 7:00 a.m. to start all over again! Ah well… It is San Diego Comic Con 2011 after all!
Until Next Time Kids!
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Well, I’m not sure that my morning wasn’t “wasted” — camped out for 3.5 hours to draw a loser ticket for the WB Game of Thrones signing and then waited 3 hours to get into a Ringer panel.
So my day started at 6:45 am and I didn’t get to see anything until 2 pm. Yes, the crowds are mighty and large at Comic Con!
Things got better after that, but it was a rough start to the con. Be happy with the signings that you got!
At least you had the chance to pull… lol… I went over there and saw the line wrapping the building and was like… No Game of Thrones for me! lol…
Too funny!
I like seeing all the pictures of comcon…..but your posts are not on my facebook page like they used to. Too many people for me..and you did not look drunk in your photos 🙂