What’s up autograph fanatics! Ace here with TTM Tuesday….Or Thurs… Or… Ah you get the idea! 😉 Share on Facebook
What’s up autograph fanatics! Ace here with TTM Tuesday…. Ricky Gervais is signing away! Have you seen Derek? Oh my! Watch it. The man is brilliant. I will be the first to say, I became a fan by watching Derek. Share on Facebook
What’s up autograph fanatics! Ace here with TTM Tuesday…. Let’s start off with some bad news! Who hates Pre-Prints? I know I do! Share on Facebook
What’s up autograph fanatics! Ace here with TTM Tuesday…. Britney Spears is sending out secretarials! Oh No! According to Ryan at Collecting Autographs Through The Mail (Photo Below), her assistant Felicia is signing all Planet Hollywood returns. A collector sent a request to the assistant, and
What’s up autograph fanatics! Ace here with TTM Tuesday…. I want to do a small news update before we continue! We have some unfortunate news Share on Facebook
What’s up autograph fanatics! Ace here with TTM Tuesday…. Share on Facebook