autograph fansite Archive
Sigh… This has been a really shitty week in the life of a fanboy. I have to tell you, it’s been fail city. So much so, that I could take my pick of of fails for Fanboy Fail Fridays. That’s deeply saddens me. So, after looking at
I’ll tell you there are times when it just gets so crazy in this hobby you just don’t know what to do. It’s sad really. If everyone could just behave it would be so much better. Alas, that rarely happens. And I’m not going to start bagging
The awesomeness of Jessica Chastain. I swear it should be a new column here on MTF. I sincerely hope that she stays that way as the awards surely pile on. Also, it’s so good to hear from Big Apple Elisa! I feel like it’s been forever since
Sometimes there’s nothing like this hobby to give you a huge rush and thrill. Man, I think we’ve all been there right? Billy Beer wanted to share some of his top moments from 2012 so I figure since this is technically New Years Eve it’s a great
I have to tell you, I was so happy when I saw the subject of this weeks Manic Monday! I was literally watching About Last Night… and the other day and I said to myself… Damn Rob Lowe has been in everything! Plus, it fits in nicely
Man, I’ll tell you… Reading this latest report from Billy Beer… It makes me want to try and visit some more sets. I just love it when you get to meet some of the stars of your favorite show, dressed as the characters you love and the
Fanboy Fail Friday! This week The Lovely Erica is out and about on the streets of New York! Who is she after you may ask, none other than super spy Daniel Craig! Now, Daniel has always been a tad hit and miss. This time… Well, it is
Homeland seems to be burning up the airwaves! I need to catch up on the series, but it is one of my favorites. Gosh, television is just so good right now! The series airing on Showtime fits in perfectly with their other amazing programs like Dexter, Nurse
When The Lovely Erica was in New York she made sure to check out one of the hottest plays on Broadway, The Heiress. Starring The Help’s Jessica Chastain and Downton Abbey’s Dan Stevens The Heiress is a hot ticket in town! And what’s a Fangirl to do,