autograph magazine Archive
How can you not love Michael Fassbender! First off, he’s amazing, and hyper talented! Michael has done his fair share of magazine covers and I think I’m way behind in getting them signed. lol. In fact, this year was the first time I’ve ever gotten Michael if
It’s Magazine Monday! Today we’re looking at none other than January Jones! I love Mad Men and I think it’s one of the best shows on TV. January has been the hardest cast member for me to get over the years, I know others that have that
It’s Magazine Monday and Scotty is sharing some of the Sandra Bullock signed magazines he’s gotten the past couple years. I’m a huge fan of the Bullock even though she’s not always the nicest to her fans. #Truth Still, at premiere’s she’s generally fairly cool. Check out
For this weeks Magazine Monday, we’re going to talk a little Twilight. Kristen Stewart has been a difficult autograph to get as of late. I know a lot of people who’ve had a hard time. I’ve only met her a couple times and one of those times
It’s Magazine Monday and you know what that means… Well… Magazines, lol. Today I wanted to share one of my favorite pieces, a really good friend of mine got this for me and It’s one of the most stunning Michelle Pfeiffer autographs I’ve ever seen. Share on
Scotty is helping us out with Magazine Monday this week and he’s sharing some awesome photos from the 2011 W Magazine Awards Season issue. There are some amazing people he got to sign the issue including Jennifer Lawrence, Mark Ruffalo, Rooney Mara, Justin Timberlake, and more! Check