bill compton Archive
True Blood is back for season 6 on HBO! I have to tell ya, I didn’t think that season 5 was all up to par with the previous seasons but I’m still stoked for the vampire series to return. I love me some Sookie Stackhouse and Pam
My God, I just can’t believe it’s 2012! Man, the ball drops and another year goes by. So from all of here at Mike The Fanboy have a wonderful 2012! No, wait… Have a kick ass 2012! And since it’s a new year, we all thought it
Clearly all of us at Mike The Fanboy are huge True Blood fans, and since that is an absolute fact I just got in all these photos from the True Blood Season 4 Premiere! This time from our Awesome photographer Anushika! Anushika is blessed by the photography
I just got this wonderful set of photos from Scotty The Music Man from the True Blood season 4 premiere! He must have been touched by the hand of Anushika cause he got some wonderful photos, including Anna Paquin signing my Almost Famous poster! I’m stoked! Anushkia
Today is a long… long… LONG day… I knew it would be crazy, but I just didn’t know how crazy. I found out how crazy when I got a text from Scotty at 8:00 a.m. that said I’m here and the fourth in line… Sigh… What could
Sigh… All the Avengers are uniting again without me… I think they are doing it to torment me with their tales of True Blood goodness… Ah well… The Lovely Erica, Scotty and Awesome Anushika are off again to watch one of my absolute favorite shows True Blood