Chelsea Handler Archive

Pop Culture Countdown! Swooning Michael Fassbender! Hayden Shops Off The Rack! 
Gabourey Sidibe Smackdown! And More!

Hola PCC friends! This week, we’ve got dancing, dresses and disses. Not a bad way to kick off your weekend, no? Happy Friday…and happy reading! Dance fever 
Benedict Cumberbatch, star of “Sherlock” and women’s dreams worldwide, was feeling the music alongside Michael Fassbender — also eye-pleasingly dapper

TTM Tues! Do Stars Actually Sign Autographs Via The Mail? Ace’s Photo Gallery Proving Yes They Do! Norman Reedus! Jon Bernthal! Adam Lambert! Ed Asner! Chelsea Handler! Nicholas Sparks! And More!

It’s TTM Tuesday! Ace came up with a great idea for this weeks column. I know there’s always debate among collectors about who actually signs fanmail and who does secretarial autographs and who sends autopens, etc… It’s tough honestly and generally in the rare times I do

Billys Trifecta Of Beautiful Women! Lana Dey Rey Is AMAZING To Fans! Maggie Gyllenhaal Is Really Nice! And Chelsea Handler Is Pretty Damn Cool! Autographs! Photos And More!

BILLY BEER! He’s a drinking, rootin tootin’ autograph machine! He didn’t get one, he didn’t get two, he got three people. Lord, where does the Billy Beer get his energy. I get one thing done, and I’m like, time for bed! LOL… Billy headed out to meet