crap Archive
Oh my gosh, I remember 90210! It was essential viewing for so many. While I wasn’t as addicted as so many people were I did enjoy the first few seasons. I especially loved the Brenda years… Ah good times! For todays Manic Monday, the ever awesome Ms.
I honestly love the classic television shows of my youth. Those seem to be my favorite things, no matter how “good” or “bad” they are, the memories associated with those movies or television shows are what makes them so iconic in our minds. One such show for
I’ve been hearing about the new Lovelace movie for quite a while now. I have to tell you, I’m intrigued. I don’t think that Amanda Seyfried is the best actress in the world, now don’t get me wrong I love her, I just don’t think she has
Wow, I have to say I love the new Snow White and the Huntsman posters! I love the artwork for this movie. The Chris Hemsworth individual poster is particularly awesome! Damn… Good times! The movie looks awesome. Another one I can’t wait for, this summer is poised
Ah, 2011 is almost at a close, so it’s time for everyone’s favorite activity… Top 10 lists! Whoo Hoo! We here at Mike The Fanboy will have a bunch for you, the first one is the top movie posters of the year. I love movie poster artwork
Oh my, we are going on a journey my friends, today the wonderful Ms. Pretty in Pinky is taking us back to more Happy Days memories. Today’s subject, the biggest star in all the land, Mr. Anson Williams. Yes, I know what you’re saying, how can it
Holy Frakkin crap on a cracker! I mean like… Damn… It was only a couple days ago when I did a post about the new Snow White and the Huntsman banner… and now… Not only have these AWESOME individual posters come out, but the teaser trailer as
Ah the D23! Scotty is just finishing up his coverage of the event. It was really like a smaller comic con in the sense that by Saturday I was tired. LOL… I think I’m getting too old for this crap. HA! I should never say that right.
You know so many people either love or hate Kristen Stewart… I personally have always been a little intrigued by her… Not by the Twilight Bella Swan crap, although I get why people are so into it, I’ve liked her for the smaller roles, The Runaways, Adventureland,
I’m late as usual, sigh, and headed over to Westwood for the premiere of The Change Up… Now, this movie really isn’t on my high list but I wasn’t able to get Ryan Reynolds at the Green Lantern premiere, and I need Olivia Wilde on Tron Legacy,
2010 is rolling quickly to a close and as far as movie going goes, I’m not sad to see it pass us by. I mean really, this year was simply just… to be kind… below adequate. Lol… Ah well, I blame the writer’s strike. Still, it’s always