fan mail Archive
It’s a TTM Bonus! Yes, it’s not Tuesday… Is that grammatically correct? I’ll have to wait for Pinky to yell at me, lol…. Anyway, Dallas, who we have not heard from in a long long time… (Harrrrumph!) has done a great TTM report with a bunch of
For this weeks TTM Tuesday, Ace has a lot to talk about! There are Broadway fails, yep one A-Lister is sending out form letters to anyone who writes to him. Then, The Walking Dead… Dead! Yep, their fanmail address is done. It’s over. Apparently, they get so
Ace The Autograph Addict is back with the best in Through The Mail Autographs! Now, Ace is a pretty dedicated dude. He loves his autographs and his cult shows, like The X-Files, The Walking Dead and more! This week Ace is bringing us some awesome fanmail addresses
Let’s five a God bless to Ace! We had a ball hanging out at the Festival of Books this weekend and I’ll have a full report for you all this week, but… He got in his article not only on time but early! Say Wha! I’m going
It’s TTM Tues! Can I get a Woooo Hoooooo…. For all of you Walking Dead fans Ace has an awesome treat! He did the dirty work and has some awesome cast addresses to share with you guys. I know, I know… The finale was Sunday and everyone
TTM Tuesday! Today Ace is brining you all the scoop from the happenings on Broadway, who is coming to the famed theater row and who is responding via venue! There’s a bunch of new people headed to Broadway and a few shows that are still in previews,
Welcome to your TTM Tuesday! I know, I know Ace has been out and about so he missed a week. We love Ace here at MTF and are super happy he’s doing a great column for the people who collect through the mail. In short Ace rocks
It’s Tues! Which means it’s TTM time! Yep, It’s a collector’s paradise! Today our resident through the mail autograph expert Ace is recapping the loot he got this week. There are some pretty good things including CB’s favorite acting legend Blythe Danner, Playbill collecting and much much
It’s TTM Tuesday! I feel like there should be some sort of applause inserted there… Hmmm… Anyway, Ace has the week off and I figured this would be a great time to do a column about some of my TTM autographs. Now, when I was a kid,
I think everyone has Walking Dead on the brain! The second part of the third season came back to the airwaves on Sunday and I know a lot of people were really excited! I for one am a huge Walking Dead fan. Love the show! I’ve gotten
It’s TTM Tuesday guys! Whoo to the Hoo! Ace has given us a quick recap and bemoans the holidays! Apparently, celebrities are just like us and don’t really answer fanmail over the holiday season! What! They have families and plans and parties! Say it ain’t so! Still,
Happy 2013! Yep, it’s a new year, a fresh start and here’s hoping for an epic year for everyone! To kick off the first post of 2013, Ace has sent in this awesome new TTM Tues! He’s recapping all his best TTM successes of 2012! Let me