films Archive
One of my favorite movies of all time is Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion. It’s not a perfect movie but I love it. lol… I mean Lisa Kudrow and Mira Sorvino are so good, I mean they are perfect. I wish the movie had done better
There’s so many awesome things I love about Los Angeles, I mean it’s the city where anything can happen, where you can run into random people, where being obsessed with Troop Beverly Hills is socially acceptable. One super cool thing is that it’s an industry hub and
I just came across these few slices of awesomeness… Okay, well Erica emailed them to me… And they are HOT with a capital HOT! LOL… The posters for Straw Dogs are really pretty rad and I’m hoping that they have a premiere in LA. Anyway, what can
The lovely Erica has been traveling the world, and what’s a Fangirl to do when she is seeing the world, albeit for business? Why take some fun photos of different movie ads of course! Straight from Taiwan this is a fun photo gallery that shows how films
Wow, a couple True Blood boys have movies coming out! They are all grown up! Lol… None other than Mr. Eric Northman AKA Alexander Skarsgard has the remake Straw Dogs with Kate Bosworth and James Marsden. Share on Facebook
People always ask me, “What’s your favorite movie?” And I really can’t answer that question… I mean how can you pick between The Breakfast Club, Troop Beverly Hills, Clue: The Movie, Alien, and so many more… However, there is one movie that sometimes I feel edges out
Mr. Potter! I’m excited for the last… the FINAL Harry Potter film also known as Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II! I liked the last one, but didn’t love it. But like with a lot of sequels I love seeing these characters that we’ve grown
online pharmacy arimidex for sale with best prices today in the USA 2010 is rolling quickly to a close and as far as movie going goes, I’m not sad to see it pass us by. I mean really, this year was simply just… to be kind… below