happy days Archive
I honestly love the classic television shows of my youth. Those seem to be my favorite things, no matter how “good” or “bad” they are, the memories associated with those movies or television shows are what makes them so iconic in our minds. One such show for
Remember when I talked about the new columns we’re starting here at MTF? Well, let’s kick off another new one with Manic Mondays! Manic Mondays is going to focus on the decade I love the 1980’s! (With a dash of 1990’s Thrown in for good measure!) And
I just got back from The Hollywood Show in Burbank. Now for those of you who have never been to the Hollywood Show it’s basically a convention where celebrities meet their fans. Now generally, the celebrities that attend the show are from years past but that’s honestly
It’s a holiday weekend and you know what that means… It’s freaking slow here in La La Land! Plus, my mom, AKA Mama Fanboy has been in town, so I’ve been spending some quality family time with her as well… Plus, a furry friend has been visiting
I laughed out loud when I read the title of Pinky’s new post and then I chuckled to myself… I said… TED McGinley! And then I laughed… I had figured that Pinky already met Ted… After all, he was in practically every television series in the 1990s
Oh my, we are going on a journey my friends, today the wonderful Ms. Pretty in Pinky is taking us back to more Happy Days memories. Today’s subject, the biggest star in all the land, Mr. Anson Williams. Yes, I know what you’re saying, how can it
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Sclemeel, schlemazel, hasenfeffer incorporated. We’re gonna do it! Yep, a classic of the late 1970’s and a spinoff of the iconic Happy Days! I can only be talking about Laverne and Shirley! I used to love watching this show
“Sunday, Monday, Happy Days…” One of my New Year’s resolutions is to stop quoting song lyrics in my intro paragraphs.. This will be broken fairly quickly I’m sure but at least I’m sorta trying… But music is the gateway to the soul… or is that dinner… hmmmm
CB is already on the scene and I’ve just arrived. I parked like a million miles away, and didn’t realize it. But, on a positive note, the parking was free! This is Westwood after all, and parking always sucks. Today is the Zookeeper premiere, and while I