harrison ford indiana jones Archive
Han Solo is down! The man, they myth and the legend Harrison Ford was injured today on the set of the new Star Wars film. Apparently, Harrison injured his ankle on the set today and was taken to the hospital. Share on Facebook
It’s everyone’s favorite time of the week! It’s Fanboy Fail Friday! Today Big Mike is chiming in with his multiple Harrison Ford fails. I had one myself today, but I figured I would give Big Mike the floor. You know, there’s one thing about missing someone small
Oh Harrison Ford! How you plaque me. Everyone was out for Mr. Ford the other day when he did an appearance at a local talk show. Now, here’s the thing. I didn’t expect it to happen, but there are times when you go out not expecting to
Every year there are the best and worst lists, well this is no different. You know I think that this list is at least somewhat important. I think the average moviegoing consumer should know that when they lay their money down, watch a television series, download a