hello everyone Archive
You know CB is an odd duck.. This is a man who says his favorite movies are Hot Rod, Fast Five and The Pacifier, yet here is going to check out a small film like The Artist… Hmmmmmm Interesting… The star of the film, which I freely
Everyone, we need to wish The Lovely Erica a very MTF happy birthday! I mean hello! Everyone… Ready? Okay… “You say it’s your birthday na na na na na na na na Well, happy birthday to you! na na na na na na na na na…” See
I am a giant Nathan Fillion fan… He’s just someone who has always been super cool to people and he’s been in practically all my favorite shows… Of course he was Caleb in Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Dana Delany’s husband in Desperate Housewives and Captain Mal in
I don’t know what to do with CB… It’s like he was born in a pod… I mean really… He’s out and about and makes mention that he fell asleep during Lord of the Rings… REALLY? Lord OF THE RINGS! Yet, he can sit through every piece
I must admit, I love cooking shows… and specifically Gordon Ramsay’s shows. Kitchen Nightmares is a total guilty pleasure, I can’t deny it! Lol… Oh lord… I know and I keep going on about how much I hate reality TV. Sigh… I really do though… Anyway, CB
You know something tells me, and it could be a little bird, or a guy with a big mouth I can’t decide which, that CB here isn’t being all that honest about the time he arrived for Mr. Josh Brolin! Lol… I’m not going to put in
Oh that CB! Off he goes again… you know… I like Seth Rogen, but to me a little Seth Rogen goes a long long way… I’m just saying I saw Green Hornet… and… Well… Let’s just say it didn’t live up to its potential. Anyway, I know