inbox Archive
I checked my inbox just a second ago and low and behold a new report from the Scarlet Starlet! I’m so excited! I love getting new reports in my inbox especially when it’s something really great and fun like this one. We don’t have enough author signings
Ohhhhh another fun book review of vampires, sex, magic and everything I love… mmmmm The Novel Strumpet loves it as well, we’re in sync… That’s what it’s all about kids. Anyway, for her latest review the Strumpet is talking Crave by Melissa Darnell. It’s romantic, it’s full
Okay, everyone knows how awesome Anushika is… and this post is just for her. Cause I’ll tell ya, Twilight… Not my Fav… I know shocking right? But Anushika LOVES it! With a capital L-O-V-E. So, when these new images came zooming into my inbox I had to
Ah, the new television season, you can almost smell the new paint on all the shows as they get rolled out. And you can almost feel the network exec’s crossing their fingers hoping that these shows will stick. And the truth is, a lot of them will