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This was just last year, but it was such a fun time. I love Veronica Mars and getting to meet the cast was pretty epic! Check out the recap below! I don’t know about anyone else, but I am still recovering from SDCC. I think
Hey everybody! TTM Troy here with this week’s TTM Tuesday! It’s been kind of a slow week out here in TTM Land, but hope your mailboxes have been full and the returns plenty! Here is a look at this week’s addresses curated from successes found across the
OMG! Anna headed down to the Sydney Oz Comic Con and got some of the best photos ever! First off, I love the picture she got with Anya and Xander… I mean Emma Caulfield and Nicholas Brendon. LOL… BUT… THE BEST… PHOTO… The one with the guys
Veronica Mars… I think I should put in quotes and yell it out like Jake Kane in the final episode of the series. Today was the Veronica Mars movie Los Angeles premiere. And while I normally would do my play by play and talk about what happened,
A long time ago… We used to be friends… You’ve been sitting there since graduation haven’t you? The best ever! Plus, Deputy Leo! Sigh… I can’t wait for the Veronica Mars movie and as a backer I can’t wait to see it. Plus, Madison Sinclair gets so