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Mad Men is one of the most critically acclaimed series that has ever hit the airwaves. Created by Matthew Weiner, Mad Men has just aired it’s midseason finale for it’s final season. it’s hard to imagine Don Draper saying his final goodbye but next year it’s something
freakin’ Aaron Paul! He’s super stoked that he won and we’re all yelling for him. He carries his Emmy over and signs up a storm. I have my Breaking Bad target poster out for him, he’s like, “that’s so cool!” but signs it
As most of you know I love me some Mad Men. I think it’s one of the best written, best acted, most intriguing television series of all time. It’s a classic piece of entertainment that is in a word phenomenal. Being a member of some of the
Oh Pinky, you’re so fine you’re so fine you blow my mind! Oh Pinky! To celebrate the return of one of Pinky’s favorite television series, Mad Men she decided to do a “Meet the Cast of Mad Men round up! We all love Mad Men… I adore