john slattery Archive
Mad Men is one of the most critically acclaimed series that has ever hit the airwaves. Created by Matthew Weiner, Mad Men has just aired it’s midseason finale for it’s final season. it’s hard to imagine Don Draper saying his final goodbye but next year it’s something
Billy Beeeeeeeeer- I’ve been a slacker… I know it’s true. Billy sent in this report on the Mad Men season 6 premiere after party and Alas, I didn’t have a chance to get it up and running. So, I would like to publicly apologize for anyone not
There are amazing television shows and then there are shows that are layered with deep characters and story lines. Mad Men is one such show. Each character is flawed and complex, in short I love it. I honestly can’t believe that Mad Men has been on the
Ohhhh… I love me some Mad Men! And I’m stoked for season 6! It premiere’s April 7th and to get the promotional ball rolling AMC has released these great new promotional images. I love it! The photo of Elisabeth Moss all by herself is great because it
BILLY BEER! He’s a drinking, rootin tootin’ autograph machine! He didn’t get one, he didn’t get two, he got three people. Lord, where does the Billy Beer get his energy. I get one thing done, and I’m like, time for bed! LOL… Billy headed out to meet
There’s no better way to end Emmy season than with Ms. Pinky Lovejoy’s annual recap of her trip to the Emmys! Pinky always has such luck at the event and from what I can tell has a ball! She got to meet some amazing people but did
freakin’ Aaron Paul! He’s super stoked that he won and we’re all yelling for him. He carries his Emmy over and signs up a storm. I have my Breaking Bad target poster out for him, he’s like, “that’s so cool!” but signs it
Grrrr… None other than Ms. Sexy AKA Lana Del Rey is all naked as one of five covers of the new British GQ Magazine. Damn… and I say Damn… I mean Damn! Lana Del Rey is putting out a reissue of her album Born To Die with
As most of you know I love me some Mad Men. I think it’s one of the best written, best acted, most intriguing television series of all time. It’s a classic piece of entertainment that is in a word phenomenal. Being a member of some of the
Oh Pinky, you’re so fine you’re so fine you blow my mind! Oh Pinky! To celebrate the return of one of Pinky’s favorite television series, Mad Men she decided to do a “Meet the Cast of Mad Men round up! We all love Mad Men… I adore
The one thing I love about the autograph hobby is that two people can be at the same event and have two different experiences… Or in the case of the Mad Men event at Paleyfest very similar experiences. Like I said in my write up the cast
GQ magazine has three count them three different covers of their April 2012 Style Bible issue. Of course it kills me I didn’t have this on Tuesday at the Mad Men event at Paleyfest! Doh! Featured on the three issues are Mad Men star John Slattery, Dave