love affair Archive
Let’s get physical, physical, let’s get into physical… How I love that song! Even though when I watch the video I get creeped out… Why is that? It’s just a creepy video! LOL… Still Olivia Newton John will always be Sandy from Grease to me. Grease is
Now first and foremost, I love Christina Ricci, in fact her and I are having a love affair she doesn’t know about. It’s just true, and as all of you know I can not wait for Pan Am! The only blemish is that I wasn’t able to
Oh, that Ms. Pretty In Pinky! She woke up in the morning, and the alarm gave out a warning, I doubt she’ll make it on time… Well, if you can remember that paraphrased portion of that iconic theme song then I have a treat for you… Pinky
Our resident music man, Scotty, has always loved checking out bands on the verge of breaking out. And clearly he loves Jessica 6! They are fairly new, and a lot of you might not know who they are just yet, but hopefully you will soon. Led by
I love the 80’s! Especially when it concerns The Goonies! Part three of Pinky’s journey into Gooniedom… God Bless it! This time the lovely Ms. Pretty In Pinky is discussing her love affair with Mr. Sean Astin! Mikey! God, what a great name… But I digress… Mr.