michael fassbender shirtless Archive
Well, it’s official! The Fox movie that Ridley Scott is doing will be Prometheus 2. For all the flaws of the first movie, I still liked it. I said it, there. It wasn’t perfect, It wasn’t great. I don’t know why Charlize Theron couldn’t roll like Noomi
I know a lot of people hated Prometheus… I have to tell you though, despite it’s flaws I liked it. There, I said it. I was expecting more, I’ll be honest, Ridley Scott… Alien… BUT I still would rather a movie try and tackle a big subject
Holy Hot damn Batman! The new cover of W Magazine features Charlize Theron and Michael Fassbender! The stars of Prometheus are getting it on! Damn! They are all futuristic and naked in the photo shoot. Cold shower… LOL… In the issue Charlize Theron talks about sex scenes,
One of my most anticipated movies of the summer is Prometheus. I’ve been looking forward to it for a long long time. Ridley Scott returning to Alien… After all this time. How can you not love it! Erica is also a huge fan of the franchise and
I saw this and immediately I said to myself… Erica is going to love this! None other than Prometheus star Michael Fassbender is on the cover of the June 2012 issue of GQ magazine. Man oh man… He does take great photos huh? LOL… In the issue
Man, Michael Fassbender is getting around! First he covered Interview magazine and now here he is showing off his wears on the cover of The Hollywood Reporter. And he’s all kinds of naked shirtless – ness on the cover! Man oh man Mr. Fassbender talk about showing
Answer me this question will you? What is it about Michael Fassbender? He just seems like a cool guy, and he’s one hell of an actor. I’m a tad ashamed to admit it, but I have not seen Shame yet. See what I did there… Ashamed… Shame…