nice celebrities Archive
I’m sure you’ve all seen our top 10 best and worst autograph signers, but things are very different on the other side of the pond! James has put together a list of his best encounters over the past year and it’s amazing how a lot of things
Yesterday, we had our top ten best autograph signers and most fan friendly celebrities… And today… It’s the flip side. The top ten worst autograph signers of 2013! Oh, I wish it wasn’t so, I really really do. Why can’t every list be the best list?
Drumroll please! Yep, it’s the annual MTF best and worst autograph signers of 2013! But I’m a positive guy, and so let’s look at the best signers first shall we? Now, to break it down, I polled all the MTF writers, had my ear to the ground
Sigh… This has been a really shitty week in the life of a fanboy. I have to tell you, it’s been fail city. So much so, that I could take my pick of of fails for Fanboy Fail Fridays. That’s deeply saddens me. So, after looking at
I’ll tell you there are times when it just gets so crazy in this hobby you just don’t know what to do. It’s sad really. If everyone could just behave it would be so much better. Alas, that rarely happens. And I’m not going to start bagging
End of year lists! Yay! I love them! Even if I read the same names on them over and over and over and over again! This one is sure to be different… Well, kind of… LOL… This is the top 10 best autograph signers and most fan
Honestly, when you’re talking about nice celebrities there’s no one nicer than Jessica Chastain. She is just kind as kind can be. I hope that never changes! Jessica is really being talked up for her role in Zero Dark Thirty and from everything I hear, she is
I have to tell you, I was so happy when I saw the subject of this weeks Manic Monday! I was literally watching About Last Night… and the other day and I said to myself… Damn Rob Lowe has been in everything! Plus, it fits in nicely
When I hear something like, “I went to the west end…” I just think, God that would be a fun thing to say, “Billy, last night I went to the west end to meet Neville Longbottom and Maggie Smith.” Here in LA, It’s like, “Yeah, I have
Ah, Cloud Atlas… Now, this is a movie I’ve been curious about for some time. I knew that the premiere would either be an awesome success or a lovely addition in the long line of Fanboy Fails. Seeing as this is indeed Fanboy Fail Friday, I think
Now, you guys might have read Erica’s recent report about meeting Lana and Andy Wachowski, well, I think the heavens opened and there, in my inbox was an invite to a screening of Cloud Atlas the very next day that Erica’s article went up! After the screening…
Andy Wachowski is quieter than his sister, but approachable even when he’s mock yelling at me since the click Sharpie got ink on his hand. (I tell him that he’s waterproof and it’ll wash off and he laughs.) Andy signs my poster and when he sees Lana’s