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Olivia Munn Shows How Awesome She Is To Fans But Gerard Butler Does A Drive By And Billy Doesn’t Have A Chance To Yell I AM SPARTA! Doh! Autographs! Photos! Magic Mike Sexiness!

God bless Billy Beer! Even while he’s in the cold arctic tundra of Michigan he still sent in this great report about meeting Magic Mike star Olivia Munn. I will admit I’m not all that familiar with her body of work, I do however know the other

Fanboy Fail Fridays! Pinky Gets Her Little Duran Duran Heart Broken After Attending The John Taylor Book Signing! Doh!

You know, sometimes you build up an event in your mind and you have this perfect picture of what it’s going to be like and then… Well, let’s be honest how many times does it really turn out the way we want it to? For me it’s