prometheus 2 news Archive
So much information is leaking out about Prometheus 2. What’s interesting is that Ridley Scott has leaked the title to the film is going to be, Alien: Paradise Lost. The film will tie into the original Alien films, but again will not be a direct sequel. Share
Ridley Scott, the man behind Alien and Blade Runner just to name a couple of his iconic movies, has spilled a little more detail on his proposed Blade Runner 2 project and also Prometheus 2 as well. Share on Facebook
Well, it’s official! The Fox movie that Ridley Scott is doing will be Prometheus 2. For all the flaws of the first movie, I still liked it. I said it, there. It wasn’t perfect, It wasn’t great. I don’t know why Charlize Theron couldn’t roll like Noomi
I know a lot of people hated Prometheus… I have to tell you though, despite it’s flaws I liked it. There, I said it. I was expecting more, I’ll be honest, Ridley Scott… Alien… BUT I still would rather a movie try and tackle a big subject