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Endgame opens friday and I thought what a perfect time to do a flashback to the original Avengers premiere. This was a blast. And everyone was so nice! This was such an amazing premiere, getting an almost complete Avengers cast photo? Never going to happen again! Check
Captain America: The Winter Soldier had it’s New York special screening/premiere last night and the stars were all out. Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Samuel L. Jackson, Frank Grillo, and Cobie Smulders hit the carpet to support the film hitting theaters on Fri. I have to tell you,
Earlier today, the stars of Captain America: The Winter Soldier hit the red carpet in Beijing, China which was a fan event and premiere. I’ll tell you, Marvel really pulls out all the stops when it comes to the promo tours that’s for sure! Chris Evans, Samuel
Captain America: The Winter Soldier is everywhere! And every time I see photos of Chris Evans signing away, I just think… One person, I was one person away! Doh! Ah well, I’m glad to see everyone being so awesome to fans, Chris Evans, Samuel L. Jackson, Scarlett
Captain America: The Winter Soldier had it’s Paris premiere last night and all the stars were out in full force including Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, and Samuel L. Jackson! All of the stars spent time with the fans, signing autographs, shields, and anything else they came across.
Ohhh the new movie poster for Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained is out. I’m getting more and more excited for this movie! Plus, it has such a great cast!!! Quentin Tarantino is a tad hit and miss for me, but the man who brought The Bride to life
5 new character posters have just been released for Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained. I’m getting more and more excited for this movie I have to tell you. Quentin Tarantino has always been a mixed bag but Kill Bill is brilliant! I loved Pulp Fiction, etc… So, I’m
The Scarlet Starlet is back kids! Yay! I’m really excited that she took time out to share her experiences at the UK premiere of The Avengers! And on the Eve of it’s release here in States! It always amazes me how different things are in the UK