Sherlock Archive
It’s a busy week for TV with some much-loved shows beginning and ending and the end of the winter hiatus for some network shows. So much to see! Share on Facebook
Many shows will be heading into their mid-season finales so expect a lot of cliffhangers in the next week. Otherwise, lots of things are live and musical this week on TV! Share on Facebook
It’s almost here! The most wonderful/crazy/hectic time of the year known as San Diego Comic Con! In the past 10 years, TV has steadily taken center stage at this pop culture convention and now there’s so much to see and do. Let’s break it down! Share on
The 2014 Primetime Emmys have been handed out, the champagne has been drained and the women are all slipping into more comfortable shoes. A solid host, Seth Meyers had a good opening, but some of the later gags feel a bit flat. A bit where nominees asked
It’s time for TV to cap off the past year and hand out the awards for the past year. It’s been an interesting year, hasn’t it? * Cable networks continued to rule, but Netflix scored recognition in both comedy and drama this year thanks to House of
You take the good You take the bad You take them both and there you have… The 2014 Emmy nominations! As with any year, the Television Academy got some things right and missed the boat on others. Pretty typical, right? Here’s the lowdown and also a list
Next Thursday we’ll see what the Television Academy recognizes as the best TV of the past year with this year’s Emmy award nominations. Some award darlings have moved on to the pearly gates (30 Rock), other favorites had weak years (Homeland, Downton Abbey, Newsroom) and some shows/performances
Greetings readers! TV Heartbeat is back this week with loads of info! New and Notable It’s that odd time of year where half the shows are repeats and half are new due to the imminent arrival of the Super Bowl, the continuing award show bonanza and the
The game is….on! (Nobody says “afoot” these days, right?) That pretty much sums up Steven Moffat’s take on Sherlock Holmes – modernized, but still inspired and true to the source. If you haven’t seen this series yet, it’s easy to catch up since there are only 3